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Sotrovimab – the Alternative to mRNA Vaccines

At last, we are starting to get some real research to deal with the biologically manufactured COVID-19 virus that appears to have been engineered and released with either unintended consequences, or it was known that it would mutate into something far worse. Even Germany operates a secret bio-laboratory in Wuhan under high security, which it […]


I continue to believe that this virus was manufactured and deliberately released neither by China nor the US Military and at the same time, we have the Grand Wizzard Bill now calling to end all beef consumption, and simultaneously, there is a rising call to reduce the population. Killing millions in the name of saving […]

COVID Pandemic Can Never End Because 50% of People Have Been Vaccinated

  Nearly 50% of those who have COVID in Israel were fully vaccinated. The significance of this overlooked detail is that getting vaccinated will NOT STOP COVID. This means there will NEVER be a return to normal – it is impossible. A staff member went to a party in Miami and returned with the Delta […]

The Threat of an Ice Age is Real

Most people have NEVER heard of the Beaufort Gyre, a massive wind-driven current in the Arctic Ocean that actually has far more influence over sea ice than anything we can throw into the atmosphere. The Beaufort Gyre has been regulating climate and sea ice formation for millennia. Recently, however, something has changed; it is not […]

The CO2 Propaganda Agenda

COMMENT: You are misleading everyone. Climate Change is real, and the danger is CO2 must be eliminated. Everyone knows that. HV REPLY: Obviously, you just read the propaganda. Do you remember science class? CO2 is vital to the planet. They assume that everyone is a moron. If there were zero CO2, there would be no […]

Market Talk – August 2, 2021

ASIA: China’s government issued new procurement guidelines in May that require up to 100% local content on hundreds of items, including x-ray machines and magnetic resonance imaging equipment, erecting fresh barriers for foreign suppliers, Reuters reported. Document 551 was issued on May 14 by the Chinese Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and […]

Who is the Real Culprit?

There is a serious question arising and that is if Klaus Schwab has been manipulated by Bill Gates? I know for an ABSOLUTE FACT that Schwab was vaccinated in February 2021. I do not believe that Schwab is conspiring with the vaccine insofar as knowing it is some form of genocide. Based on what I […]

Member of Parliament Comes Out of the Closet – Lockdowns Are for Social Control

In Britain, Graham Brady, Chairman of the Tory 1922 Committee and member of Parliament, has written an op-ed for the Daily Mail where he made it very clear that the purpose of the lockdowns is to impose social control — not to reduce COVID. He has pointed out that this is approaching what is known […]

Devastating Floods May be the Beginning

  The climate activists come out with every disaster and blame climate change. The brush fires in Australia were climate change yet termite hills were taller than a truck for they have evolved to withstand natural brush fires. The collapse of the condos in Florida was immediately claimed to be caused by rising sea levels […]

The Plot of the Demigods

QUESTION: Marty, Did you ever think when you studied history, created Socrates, then observed what would unfold in the future would lead you to what we see happening today, in social collapse and the march toward authoritarianism? Truly, wasn’t this like discovering the Rosetta Stone and other mysteries best left untouched? When did it dawn on […]