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Putin’s & Biden’s Speech

President Vladimir Putin shot down the balloons claiming he would declare war on NATO, martial law in Russia, or announce a new major wave of military mobilization because Russia is losing. What is really sad is to find the total lack of any unbiased account from any mainstream media around the world whatsoever proving that […]

Market Talk – February 21, 2023

ASIA:   BlackRock Investment Institute raised U.S. short-term government bonds as well as Chinese and other emerging market stocks to “overweight” on Tuesday, saying investors were realizing that the U.S. Federal Reserve may have to become more aggressive in its campaign to subdue inflation. BlackRock also said it was going “overweight” on Chinese and other […]

The Bitcoin Delusion

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Now with Switzerland outlawing a cashless society, I understand your point that cryptocurrency is really a dead end. Without power, it cannot exist and as you said in times of war, you take down the power grid and they can do that with an EPM pulse. These Bitcoin zealots are clueless about […]

What if Russia Nukes Kyiv?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, In the event that Russia does employ nuclear weaponry in/over Ukraine, does Socrates offer any insight as to what effect that might have on Ukrainian food/energy/commodities -production in general (…. let alone their capabilities, or likely lack thereof, to transport, said items from fields/mines/etc. to harbors/rail-lines/etc.); and what type of effect […]

War & Capital Flows

COMMENT: Marty, I attended your coming out WEC in Philadelphia in 2011. Just about everyone I spoke with said the same thing. They all showed up to make sure it was really you and not some government stooge pretending to be you. I must say, when you put up the war cycle, I thought it […]

Market Talk – February 14, 2023

ASIA:   The Agricultural Bank of China, one of the country’s largest commercial lenders, has pledged stronger financial support for spring farming. The bank said it will strive to issue more than 160 billion yuan ($23.48 billion) in loans for spring farming preparations this year and will improve the efficiency of financial services. The financial […]

China Raises Draft Age up to 60 Years Old

Of course, China knows that the Biden Administration wants war. They are increasing their age limits for military service to up to 60 years old. Don’t get upset and think you will be too old for the United States and Europe. You can never be too old to die for your local politician. We will […]

Can the Future be Altered?

  QUESTION: Good afternoon – Will try to make this one quick. Know you are busy. Have you ever asked Socrates how to “defeat” its predictions? Or to reduce volatility/amplitude of projected events? (Really, you should be recognized alongside Adam Smith, Ricardo, et al. for your discoveries and contributions.) JN ANSWER: Because the entire world […]

Major Media is Never Interested in Forecasting

COMMENT: Marty, it has become obvious that the media promotes everyone but you. I have attended your WEC events and have met central bankers and people from all the major investment banks both in Hong Kong and at your Berlin Conference. The media avoids you like the plague. But everyone of any substance attends your […]

War & Real Estate

QUESTION: Dear Sir, Hello from Europe and a hopeful new year. In WW2 in Athens, people were exchanging their apartments for a few liters of olive oil, hence real estate went really down. The short question that you can answer even with a yes or no: If this year’s aggressivity in terms of war actions […]