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Japanese Debt Downgraded by S&P

The Japanese government’s economic revival strategy, which has been dubbed “Abenomics”, has proven to be a failure. We warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will begin in Europe, then hit Japan, and in the process will push the dollar to record highs which will inject deflation into the U.S. economy. Moreover, only a rising dollar […]

Taxman Demands Sex or Threatens to Shut Woman’s Business Down

An IRS Agent was arrested by police for threatening to close a woman’s business unless she had sex with him. The IRS Agent, Samuel Garza, showed up at the business and made “sexual overtures” that implied that the woman would lose the business if she didn’t cooperate. The police said Garza told the woman to […]

The Dow

The failure of the Dow to close above 17007 confirms that we are not yet ready to take off to the upside. We needed a closing ABOVE 17007 to firm up the market to state definitively that the August low will hold and new highs are ahead. We needed a minimum closing ABOVE 16632 to firm up short-term support. The […]

The DOW for the Close of August

The DOW recovered for the close of August, holding key support and last year’s low. Make no mistake about it, we now need to hold last week’s low in order to see the Dow continue to advance into 2017. A breach of that low will warn of a slingshot type move setting up. That would […]

Socrates on the Dow Broad Term Outlook

Dow for the Close

The Rule of Reactions is always one to three. For a trend to develop, it must exceed the three unit of time limitation. So we need the market to move higher beyond today. At the time of this posting, the Dow is trading at 16628. We need a closing above 16460 to help stabilize the […]

The Coming Phase Transition & the Dow

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for all you do.  I do have one question in regards to the Phase Transition above 23000 into the 35000-40000 number you have spoke of.  If we experience a close below 15500 for the month of August and see a continued correction into October to  around the 12000-13000 number would the […]

Dow Today (August 26, 2015) & the Three-Day Bounce

The cycles and oscillators still suggest a three-day bounce into Thursday. We would need a daily closing back above 16461 to suggest that the low will hold at least temporarily. Then we should retest the support. This is where it will become critical going into Monday that we hold this week’s low. If we break and close August […]

The Markets From Asia & the Prospects for the Dow

Asian shares are still struggling on Wednesday as it begins to dawn on investors that the Chinese economy really is slowing. The implication for that is more deflation in commodities as they have accounted for nearly 50% of the purchases of commodities these past few years. As with respect to world total GDP, China has […]

Dow on the Close

The closing of the Dow at 15666.44 was below support at 15824.73. Additional support lies at 15176.26 and a closing beneath that level will warn of a break down to the 14334 area. We do have four Monthly Bearish Reversals under 15000 with a gap thereafter down to the 13650 area, and the long-term support […]