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Confusion in Gold

The collapse in interest rates has led to a very unstable environment as far as the traditional interest and carrying cost for gold and other commodities. Of course people have made a big deal out this BACKWARDATION claiming it is a sign of real bullishness and manipulation. In truth, it is simply the interest and […]

Gold & the Inversion

QUESTION: Marty, Long time reader.  According to your September 15, 2011 issue, the computer, in its first writing since 1999, pontificated it’s forecast on gold. On page 14 the computer said: Utilizing a composite structure in cyclical timing analysis, the key months for a turning point in NY GOLD will be 10/2011 and 02/2014. With everything happening […]

Gold Production

    QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Won’t the decline in gold prices reduce gold production? Isn’t that what eventually reverses the decline? Thanks FG ANSWER: Actually the answer is NO. What happens is typically production increases. Mines will focus on the highest grades and they will slash their exploration costs. They will also increase hedging. The price […]

Even Goldman Sach’s Trading Profits Plunged 21%

Trading has been perhaps the worst in 2013 because of this constant domestic myopic perspective. Making the transition to comprehending the intricate movements of the global economy and its inter-connectivity is honestly like making the transition from believing the world is flat to a sphere. You just cannot rig the entire world economy. You have to […]

Gold Beware 1152

The Monthly Bearish Reversal lies at 1152 and the drop previously was to 1151.40. A monthly closing beneath this 1152 area will open the door to a further decline. The technical support lines up also with the 1980 high area of $875. The first quarter here in 2014 looks choppy, but thereafter, get ready for […]

China Imports of Gold Drop by 42%

The South China Morning Post has reported a sharp drop by 42% in gold purchases coming from China. This is typical as we head into the lows. The idea that they will just keep buying as prices fall is wishful thinking. China should relax its demand as prices decline.

Attacking the Messenger Didn’t Save Gold

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have read much of the hateful vindictive slander that has been hurled at you by the gold community. It is really shocking how much some of these people hate you. The whole thing about Kristy was disturbing. I met people at your conference who sent her money claiming she needed it […]

Gold Worst Year Performance since 1981

Gold never actually broke out in real terms – only nominal. Adjusted for inflation, gold has actually been one of the worse investments since 1980. A $1,000 in 1980 invested in gold get you about $1,371 today compared to the Dow Jones that would yield at $16,000 plus dividends or closer to $18,000. MINING has […]

Doomsday Postponed? – Top 9 Theories Behind Gold Proven False

The report put out by MINING.COM on the top 9 stories that drove gold have proven to be false, is a very interesting read that people should take to heart. The real driving forces behind gold will be one of the topics at the upcoming Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis on […]

Gold The Real Long-Term View & Year-End Indicator

  Spot Gold 1789 – 2012 Here is gold in NOMINAL dollars back to the start of the USA in 1789. Taking the 1869 high and the 1980 high, the support starts in the 1100 level. But the oscillators are high and that was another confirmation that what goes up must come down. The closing […]