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Gas Stove Warning Labels

Coming to a blue state near you, legislators would like to slap warning labels on gas-powered stoves. What is the warning? Lawmakers say that consumers should be aware that gas stoves release toxic fumes and are harmful to the environment. California, Illinois, and New York have all agreed to include labels that state gas stoves […]

The Right to Grow Food

  Republican Representative Thomas Massie is presenting an amendment to the US Constitution that would ensure Americans have the legal right to grow and distribute their own food. “The right of the people to grow food and purchase food from the source of their choice shall not be infringed, and Congress shall make no law […]

Tyson Foods – Go Woke, Go Broke

Tyson Foods may be the next company to learn the lesson, “Go woke, go broke.” The same company that is partnering with the World Economic Forum to add insect protein to your food recently announced that it will lay off US employees in favor of hiring illegal migrants. Boycotts have followed the company’s decision, and […]

Would You Feed Bugs to Your Pet?

Tyson Foods announced on October of last year that they would begin using insects as a key protein source in their foods. The World Economic Forum under Klaus Schwab has touted the idea of replacing domestic livestock with insects in an effort to reduce emissions and force the masses to live with the lease while […]

It’s Time for a Decision on Ukraine

I have spent way too much time the past few days on phone conversations concerning the geopolitical Ukrainian mess from different sides and what our computer is showing. There is a growing concern in Washington that this war in Ukraine has run its course. This seems to have risen since Biden threatened if he did […]

Biden Says US Troops will Fight Russian if Ukraine Loses

On Friday, President Biden, the hand puppet of the Neocons, warned that the US Military might find themselves in a direct conflict with Russia should they defeat Ukraine – which they will. Biden released a statement written by the Neocons that said the standard propaganda of how fantastic Ukraine is doing, claiming it successfully intercepted […]

Get Ready for a 1986 Repeat of a Real Estate Crash?

Whenever those in Congress mess with real estate, they have ALWAYS, and without exception, caused a major crash. The Entire Savings & Loan (S&L) Crisis was a catastrophic disaster that wiped out nearly one-third of all the 3,234 savings and loan associations in the United States between 1986 and 1995. I previously mentioned that hedge […]

The Second-Largest Contributor to US Private Debt

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s data shows that auto loans have surpassed student loans, becoming the second-largest debt burden for U.S. consumers. Auto loan debt has reached $1.582 trillion, exceeding the $1.569 trillion in student loan debt. This surge in auto loan debt is attributed to rising vehicle prices, leading consumers to take […]

Kerry – WEF – First Movers Coalition

John Kerry declared that America would adhere to the Power Past Coal Alliance and partner with 56 other nations in eliminating coal power. Kerry committed $3 billion to the cause which should come as no surprise since Kerry collaborated with the World Economic Forum to launch the First Movers Coalition (FMC) back at the COP26. […]

Auto Dealers Oppose Switch to EVs

Governments worldwide are pushing for clean energy without a reliable alternative. Electric vehicles (EVs) are sitting stagnant on lots as the demand is simply not there for a variety of obvious reasons. Over 3,000 auto dealers from all 50 states penned a letter to President Joe Biden, explaining that his target of forcing 50% of […]