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What is the Motive

While everyone argues over vaccines and who created COVID, all of these debates and questions dominate 99% of the online agenda. There is something SERIOUSLY mining and that simply the end goal and what is the motive. Some try to claim that there are dark forces hidden behind the images of Gates and Schwab. Some […]

The Fed Has Spoken

The Federal Open Market Committee plans to taper its asset purchasing program by $30 billion per month. Starting in January, the central bank will begin buying $60 billion in bonds monthly, citing “inflation developments and the further improvement in the labor market.” As for interest rates, the Fed is considering as many as three rate […]

World War III in Financial Markets Begins

As I mentioned on the Private Blog yesterday, the Federal Reserve declared World War III in the financial markets as the European Central Bank (ECB) was on its knees groveling, “Please don’t raise rates.” The Bank of England (BoE) is in far better shape than the ECB, which is on the verge of collapse. The […]

Munich Protest & Others being Ignored by Governments

  There was a massive protest in Munich on the 8th against this COVID Tyranny. Of course, governments do not care for the real agenda is to completely wipe out democracy and usher in Schwab’s Great Reset. They have been using this virus as merely a tool to achieve their political restructuring. While people argue […]

Market Talk – November 30, 2021

ASIA: China’s factory activity unexpectedly picked up in November, growing for the first time in three months as the crippling surge in raw material prices and power rationing eased, taking some pressure off the manufacturing sector. The official manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose to 50.1 in November from 49.2 in October, data from the […]

Market Talk – November 26, 2021

ASIA: In its latest report, Moody’s Investors Service has projected that the economic growth in India will rebound strongly. It has pegged GDP growth for the nation at 9.3% and 7.9% in FY22 and FY23, respectively. The Reserve Bank of India has ensured that interest rates in India have remained at record lows and has also […]

The Gross Misunderstanding of Central Banks

Ever since 1927, when the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates in a failed attempt to help Europe, which still ended up defaulting in 1931, Keynesian economics succeeded in brainwashing the analysis of how people look at the central banks. Where the 1927 G4 attempt to lower rates in the US was intended to deflect capital […]

Grasping the Future Unfolding Before Our Eyes

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, I write to you somewhat often. Never get a response on the blog. I was hoping you could respond to this one question to put my mind and the mind of other Americans at peace. It is clear that Europe is falling to the Covid tyranny. You say that “they” will […]

Germany looking for Full Lockdown

Sources in Germany are all warning that the government intends to impose mandatory vaccines following the ruthless actions of  Austra. The Governor of Bavaria, Germany, Markus Soeder, is also for mandatory vaccinations. I have been warning that Schwab is in control of Europe. The central bank is trapped and cannot escape its negative interest rates […]

Pending Black Swan?

The traditional analysis keeps calling for the next Black Swan event asserting that massive leveraging of US nonfinancial businesses since 1972 is incompatible with the stock market levels rising from 62% to 204% of GDP. Of course, this analysis is ALWAYS the typical economist view which is the entire problem. The traditional analysis is why […]