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War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

Central Banks are not All the Same

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I am curious if you have a take on the BOJ. They own almost all of the JJB market and have stated explicitly they will buy it all. Now they own 77% of the Japanese ETF market. Is it folly to suggest that the US gov’t or FED is not doing the exact […]

Bernie Sanders Admits the Democrats Are a Failure

  Bernie Sanders is probably the only Democrat who has been honest enough to admit that the Democratic Party has been a complete failure. It’s focus on Marxism and creating class warfare has been a serious issue that will fuel civil unrest as the Socialist agenda continues to implode. Sanders recently said: “The business model, […]

Dollar Hegemony – Real or Sophistry?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really wish I found you sooner. A friend of mine has been telling me to listen. He bought the Dow at 17,000 and sold it 26,000 on your advice. He paid off his house and has told me – see, I told you so. I get these emails from the gold […]

Left v Right – Why the Western Society is Really Collapsing

    QUESTION: Hi Marty, we just saw the German elections play out. For Germany, this is a huge move to the left – at least in government. They also say that Europe will be strongly supported. I guess that means shoveling money to Brussels and raising it via more and more taxes. Now, I researched […]

Putin’s Address to the Nation & the World

  Putin’s address on March 1st to the Federal Assembly seems to have sparked a lot of crazy emails with people talking nonsense about things they do not even come close to understanding. Yes, the headline grabber was Putin’s statement about a new invincible cruise missile. I will address that in a moment. Overlooked, however, […]

Market Talk- March 1, 2018

China appeared as the only bright spot in Asian markets this morning with Shanghai closing up +0.45% and the Hang Seng marginally better at +0.65%. Both indices toyed between both sides until the final hour then recovered at the close. Much of todays talk centred around the deleveraging that President Xi appears to be pushing […]

Mueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump

CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited China or Qatar to invest any money in his company during the campaign. This is what I mean about Mueller. He is a vile and very evil man who is […]


Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2023 World War Zee: Maria Zeee – Martin Armstrong – Interview with Maria Zeee (10/27/23) World War […]

Is Climate Change a Tool to Eliminate Democracy?

COMMENT: Your view on denying climate change is supporting the capitalist model. This shows you have no credibility. OD REPLY: Climate is changing and it is part of the normal cycle – not human-induced. You are actually correct that I support capitalism and freedom and am against authoritarianism and totalitarian systems. What you fail to […]