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New California Rebels Against Tyranny of the Majority

The movement within California to split the state between Republican v Democrat has passed the first hurdle in becoming the 51st State. The movement is called the New California. They read their own Declaration of Independence on the floor of the State Senate. Their position reflects the serious divide within this country of left v right. […]

The Creature from Jekyll Island – Unprofessional Propaganda Book

QUESTION: Martin. Have you read the book Creature of Jekyll Island by Edward Griffin it is about the Feds and how they control? Many years ago I thought it was fiction but after reading it again it is true. My Question what can we do money will be what they want it to be the […]

The Analysts Are Turning Back to Bearish Again

CNN Money is reporting the headline “A top JPMorgan Chase executive is warning that stocks could fall as much as 40% in the next few years.” CNN reports that Daniel Pinto, JPMorgan’s co-president, said on Bloomberg Television he believed that market gains should continue for the next year or two. However, he added that investors […]

Lativa Banking Crisis Unfolding on Schedule – Will it Lead to a European Contagion?

  The Latvian Financial Supervisory Authority is concerned announcing a resolution plan for the crisis bank ABLV that is threatening a contagion risk of further closures of financial institutions in the country with a predominantly foreign customer base. There is a serious risk of a contagion unfolding that will also force consolidation and mergers in […]

CalPERS on the Brink of Insolvency

  The largest public pension fund in the United States is the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) for civil servants. California is in a state of very serious insolvency. We strongly advise our clients to get out before it is too late. I have been warning that CalPERS was on the verge of insolvency. I […]

Market Talk- February 28, 2018

After the weak US retracement the DOW (futures) spent much of the Asian session around the mid 25,500 level. But, interesting that as we have been highlighting for a few weeks here that the DXY looking to be bottomed on time. Jerome Powell’s comments obviously shook markets, but worth comparing currency weighted equity index movements. […]

Turkey – Default or War?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My father was ______ the banker who commissioned you to do the Turkish lira hedging project in 1983. He passed away as you know. I found this material in his files on Turkey that you apparently published back in 1985. Some articles are saying that Turkey is the epic center of debt. […]

Conflict between Fiscal & Monetary Policy

We are moving into a crisis of monumental proportions. There has been a serious fundamental problem infecting economic policy on a global scale. This conflict has been between monetary and fiscal policy. While central banks engaged in Quantitative Easing, governments have done nothing but reap the benefits of low-interest rates. This is the problem we have with […]

Market Talk- February 6th, 2018

The Nikkei closes 4.75% lower, the Hang Seng is down 5.1%, ASX and Shanghai both around 3.3% and the VIX trading with a 50 handle! Anyone short vol. (and the rumour is there are a few) will be panic buying and chasing the market. Gold at best only added $10 from yesterdays close but we […]

Can the Stocks & Bonds Crash & Only Gold Rises?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I use to listen to the Goldbug analysts but they never change. Now the pitch is you have to protect your wealth from stock and bond market crash. They say that with the current equity bull market among the longest on record and the beginning of a bond bear market, once again they […]