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Market Talk- March 19, 2018

At the start of what is expected to be a busy week, Asian markets closed mixed but with concerns over the weekends that President Trump had decided to remove the national security advisor expected to wobble markets. Consequently, the Nikkei took much of the brunt of the action after the Yen saw a fresh flight […]

Secret Empires – Corruption Beyond Belief

I have written many times about the deep corruption among the political class. The way they have always taken bribes is through their families. I have written how Hillary’s brother magically got the gold mining contract from Hati when he wasn’t a gold miner. The Clinton Foundation which was supposed to be a real charity […]

Culture – Law – And Different Ways

Several women have written in and disagree with what I wrote about prostitution. They argue that 75% of prostitutes come from broken homes, which today is over 50% of marriages. They also state that these girls were abused as children in every way possible and many are runaways. Some also argue that these girls turn to prostitution […]

Market Talk- March 16, 2018

A mixed shop for Asian indices with most playing either side of unchanged for much of the day. The Nikkei opened with a small gain but was again soon under pressure as continued trade war fears and US political concerns with the news that the US Special Council Robert Muller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization […]

Cycles in Time – Origin of the Theory & Why It Was Ignored in Western Culture

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Just about every culture outside of Christianity believed in the cyclical aspects of time and nature. Do you have any idea why Western Christian culture failed to incorporate cyclical theory? GN ANSWER: If you actually read the Bible, you will find the very similar cyclical references and numbers. It just seems that the […]

Interbank Rates Starting to Rise – Monetary Crisis is Beginning

    Extremely reliable sources from Behind the Curtain in Europe are becoming deeply concerned that Draghi at the ECB has created a monumental economic disaster he is just praying to holding off until he leaves next year. Interest rates are already starting to rise significantly in several important money and interbank markets. Both banks and debtors are […]

Happy Pi Day – The Perfect Cycle

  Well, Julius Caesar was not assassinated precisely on Pi, it was the Ides of March – the 15th. Yet this is the man who unified Europe. They named July after him, Caesarian birth how he was born, and the Island of Jersey in the Channel Islands after which the State of New Jersey was named […]

Chronology of Event for the Crash of 2007-2009

2007 Feb. 27: Mortgage giant Freddie Mac says it will no longer buy the riskiest subprime loans. April 2: Subprime mortgage lender New Century Financial files for bankruptcy-court protection. June 2007: Two Bear Stearns hedge funds suffer after bad bets on U.S. subprime mortgage-related securities. July 31: Investment bank Bear Stearns liquidates two hedge funds […]

Market Talk- March 12, 2018

Having seen a record set for the NASDAQ and strong recovery in other core US markets, Asia opened the week on a positive note. The Hang Seng set the pace with an impressive +1.95% return with good performances from across the plain. We saw Energy, construction, banks and autos all helping to inspire confidence in […]

The Monetary Reform of 1857 Ends Legal Tender Foreign Coins

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I found in my grandmother’s belongings a penny from 1855 and one from 1857 which was much smaller and silver in appearance. Was there also a monetary reform that changed the coinage during the 1850s? PK ANSWER: Oh yes. But it is far more interesting than meets the eye. Foreign coins were […]