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How to Find Your Representative for Emails – We Can Win!

My objection is straight forward. (1) anyone who wants to accept a vaccine from Bill Gates that will be rushed through despite his influence even in the FDA should be free to do so. (2) Those of us who do not trust him should have the right to reject it equally as well. I am […]

Gates – the Forecast

As I have said, it gives me no pleasure to have to target an individual. I personally feel it is unprofessional, but in this case, Gates has made this a personal vendetta to force the world to comply with his vision using undemocratic means creating a monopoly of the global healthcare system pretending to be […]

Forecasting Technical v Fundamental

QUESTION:  Hi AE….I have a thought/question/idea that is an observation, not a criticism, & begs a response. Have long noted AE’s reliance on technical analysis, for your forecasts, to the almost total exclusion of broader fundamentals, like out-of-control corruption. From day one, this has been a revelation to me, but must concede that your success […]

Iceland Volcanic Region Woke Up with the ECM 1/18/2020

  Iceland is known as the Land of Fire & Ice. Volcanic activity is escalating in a region that has not erupted for 800 years. Ever since the turn on the Economic Confidence mode on January 18th, 2020, that very Monday, January 21st, earthquakes began on the Reykjanes peninsula. Reykjavik has experienced more than 8,000 […]

Value of a Currency

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that money is not gold, or silver, or oil, or fiat currency, but rather represents the collective elbow grease and ingenuity of a people. From the work of Socrates, which country or countries best typify this concept and therefore will become the better countries to live in, so […]

Sorting the Nonsense & Prejudices from the Truth of Reality

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong; I want to say thank you so much. I am not sure you are even aware of how right you have been during this entire debacle and I am not referring to just your forecast of the decline in the stock market which saved my future. While everyone was regurgitating the […]

Managing Money v Teaching You How to Survive

QUESTION: Marty, they have always called you the Legend. You have proved that you are probably the greatest trader that ever existed. You not only have choreographed when the correction would start, but you have held our hand through this entire decline. Again you said the market would decline into the 23 of March and […]

Why the Quantity Theory of Money is Destroying Capital Formation

There is no question that the fundamentalists #1 Golden Rule has been when stocks crash, run to bonds. We are entering the collapse in public confidence and this is BEYOND the central banks despite the massive attempts to intervene. Keynesianism is DEAD!!!! We have entered uncharted territory which is the darkest fears of academics for […]

Big Bang v REPO

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I can see your warning about Big Bang and the bonds markets would crash after 2015.75 going into the bottom of your business cycle on January 18, 2020. However, it seems that the negative interest rates have created your bond crash not in price but in participation. There is no viable bond […]

Market Talk – January 23, 2020

ASIA: India is planning to send a “female” humanoid robot called Vyommitra into space as part of an unmanned mission that could launch this year. Indian Space Research Organization head K. Sivan described the robot as a “half-humanoid” as it does not have any legs. Vyommmitra will speak two languages to communicate with mission control, […]