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Who is Behind What owner Automattic raised $300 million from Salesforce which is in league with the World Economic Forum where they have joined this 4th Industrial Revolution and believe that they have the right to use shareholder money for the future of personal objectives of management.  This is Klaus Schwab’s Stakeholder economics where companies use shareholder […]

As COVID-19 Expands – Death Rate Declines – Greatest Fraud in History

COMMENT: We keep hearing in the mainstream media about the rise in covid-19. John Hopkins reports every day on confirmed cases and death cases globally. I record this data every day. The United States is at the forefront, so it seems. with a significant rise in confirmed and deaths as media reports. Why is it […]

How Our AI Computer Forecasts the Failure of Schwab & World Economic Forum

I find it really interesting how Klaus Schwab champions the 4th Industrial Revolution and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the world so we have to help shape it by destroying what we have to design the Great Reset. Only an academic would be that arrogant. The AI system I designed was from being a […]

Schwab Advocates Putting Chips in Our Head so Government Can Read our Thoughts?

(full speech) Klaus Schwab wants to create this Agenda 2030 which is primarily based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favor of greater centralized authoritarian rule which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, fewer civil liberties, and much more government control tracking everything we do with a restriction on travel. Schwab […]

Cashless World Signals a Global End to Privacy

  Countries are moving to digital currencies at lightning speed. This is the future of money. Digital currencies will replace cash on an ASAP agenda. We are witnessing Europe, Canada, Asia, and even China all moving toward this new digital world for (1) total control, (2) taxes, (3) to track everyone and every transaction. We […]

American Are Ignorant of What the Real Plan Is

COMMENT: You are correct. Americans are ignorant of what is taking place in Europe. The new law states everything except work was forbidden: “walking, having fun, singing, dancing, meeting, everything was forbidden … ” This is about reducing society to mere existence. GF REPLY: People have no idea what this agenda is all about. I […]

What does a Biden World Look Like?

  Our model has not changed – 2022 is going to be the year from political hell. There is no question this election has been stolen. Despite all the money these people have pouring to defeat Trump, they did not get the Blue Sweep that their press was predicting because all the polls were also […]

Are the Police Our Only Hope? FREEDOM!

In Australia, the police have come out against the COVID-19 scam. As a reader from Australia, Laura, has brought to our attention, NSW (Australia) cops have debunked COVID-19 narrative. “A LETTER written by a senior constable from the Coffs/Clarence Highway Patrol in NSW and signed by colleagues has exposed the COVID-19 narrative for its deception […]

Britain is No Longer a Free Country

Besides Boris Johnson locking down Britain and handing out Guaranteed Basic Income of 80% of your former salary and suspending all mortgage payments for 6 months, he has outlawed all protests, People may not gather in a group beyond just two people. Britain has officially become East Germany. Protests of more than two people have […]

Massive Riots in Florence Italy – Europe Imposing Authoritarian Laws

There was a very serious uprising in Florence during demos against the Corona measures as reported by DWN. The “police officers acted particularly brutally against the demonstrators. The officers also beat bystanders.” The people are chanting “We want to work. We are hungry”. The EU lockdowns have already seriously reduced the food supply and their new […]