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France to Confiscate All Private Land by 2025

QUESTION: I am writing to you today to seek your expert advice on a much-discussed topic in France: the Lagleize Law. As you probably know, this law, if passed, could radically change the way property ownership is structured in France. The Lagleize law proposes to separate the ownership of the building from the land on […]

Market Talk – May 22, 2023

ASIA:   China’s benchmark lending rates have remained unchanged for the ninth consecutive month in May, aligning with market expectations. The decision was influenced by factors such as a weakening yuan and widening yield differentials with the United States, which limited the potential for significant monetary easing. Although recent data indicated a slowdown in the […]

Why Ukraine Must Lose to Save the World

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I originally thought you were just a Putin supporter. Yet as time has gone by, it is becoming very clear that you are correct and that Zelensky is waging this war for the West to conquer Russia. His meeting with the Pope and rejecting his offer to mediate clearly established he will […]

Market Talk – May 18, 2023

ASIA:   Japan’s economy experienced a faster-than-expected recovery in the first quarter, coming out of a recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The growth was primarily driven by increased consumption following the pandemic, which helped counter the challenges posed by global economic conditions. However, concerns have arisen due to signs of a slowdown in economic […]

Ukrainian Ancient Coin brings more than $5 million at Auction Today

The Balkck Sea Trade – Tauric Chersonesus, Panticapaeum. This is probably the finest known Gold Stater (circa 350-300AD) of Panticapaeum, which was the most powerful city in the Tauric Chersonesus with deep involvement in the lucrative Black Sea grain trade for even back then, Ukraine was a major bread-basket in the ancient world as well. […]

Market Talk – May 16, 2023

ASIA: China’s industrial output and retail sales growth in April fell short of expectations, indicating a loss of momentum in the economy at the beginning of the second quarter. This has increased pressure on policymakers to support the post-COVID recovery. The data also revealed a further decline in property investment, raising concerns about the outlook […]

Wang Mang 50 Shu

Wang Many 50 Shu

It was the monetary reforms of Wang Mang (王莽)(6/9-23AD), who made a move to establish his own dynasty, Xin, intending to replace the Han. The economy went into a chaotic period between 7 and 14AD. This centered once again upon the introduction of a new coin that was overvalued dramatically relative to its metal content. In the year 10 AD, Wang Mang was desperate for money and he instituted an unprecedented tax—the income tax first such record of any direct tax of this nature. The rate was 10 percent of profits, for professionals and skilled labor. Previously, all taxes were either poll tax (head tax) or property tax. Wang Mang was thus the founder of a short-lived Xin (Hsin) Dynasty (9-23AD). His father's half-sister had become the empress of China within the Han Dynasty. Upon the death of the Emperor, she became the Empress Dowager which meant prestige for her family.

Her son was weak and showed little interest in governing the empire. Wang Mang was his first cousin. In 8BC, Wang Mang was appointed regent. The emperor died 6-7BC without an heir. The new Emperor Ai was not related to the family of Wang Mang and thus accepted his resignation. Yet Emperor Ai died about 1BC. The Empress Dowager summoned Wang Mang and appointed him regent. Wang Mang installed his own daughter as Empress with the new Emperor pIing. On February 3rd, 6AD, pIing died. Some now accused Wang Mang of poisoning him. Wang now selected the youngest of potential heirs, a boy who had just been born in SAD and was not actually enthroned, and Wang Mang assumed the position of acting emperor. He now claimed that heaven was directing that a new dynasty should reign and he officially declared his Xin (Hsin) Dynasty on January 10th, 6/9AD.

Nature conspired against Wang Mang for in 11AD, the Yellow River flooded killing many that caused a great famine and a plague. This led to civil unrest as a sign of heaven. Peasants migrated south and banded into larger groups. One of these groups rose, known as the Red Eyebrows, they were strong enough that they defeated one of Wang's armies. This led to widespread rebellions even in the capital. They stormed the palace and in a grand last stand, about 1,000 palace guards defended Wang to the last man. The rebels then killed Wang Mang bringing an end to his brief dreams of creating a dynasty.

Wang Mang Monetary Reform

The Bronze reform of Wang Mang

It was the monetary reforms of Wang Mang (王莽)(6/9-23AD), who made a move to establish his own dynasty, Xin, intending to replace the Han. The economy went into a chaotic period between 7 and 14AD. This centered once again upon the introduction of a new coin that was overvalued dramatically relative to its metal content. In the year 10 AD, Wang Mang was desperate for money and he instituted an unprecedented tax—the income tax first such record of any direct tax of this nature. The rate was 10 percent of profits, for professionals and skilled labor. Previously, all taxes were either poll tax (head tax) or property tax. Wang Mang was thus the founder of a short-lived Xin (Hsin) Dynasty (9-23AD). His father's half-sister had become the empress of China during the Han Dynasty. Upon the death of the Emperor, she became the Empress Dowager which meant prestige for her family.

Her son was weak and showed little interest in governing the empire. Wang Mang was his first cousin. In 8BC, Wang Mang was appointed regent. The emperor died 6-7BC without an heir. The new Emperor Ai was not related to the family of Wang Mang and thus accepted his resignation. Yet Emperor Ai died about 1BC. The Empress Dowager summoned Wang Mang and appointed him regent. Wang Mang installed his own daughter as Empress with the new Emperor pIing. On February 3rd, 6AD, pIing died. Some now accused Wang Mang of poisoning him. Wang now selected the youngest of potential heirs, a boy who had just been born in SAD and was not actually enthroned, and Wang Mang assumed the position of acting emperor. He now claimed that heaven was directing that a new dynasty should reign and he officially declared his Xin (Hsin) Dynasty on January 10th, 6/9AD.

Nature conspired against Wang Mang for in 11AD, the Yellow River flooded killing many that caused a great famine and a plague. This led to civil unrest as a sign of heaven. Peasants migrated south and banded into larger groups. One of these groups rose, known as the Red Eyebrows, they were strong enough that they defeated one of Wang's armies. This led to widespread rebellions even in the capital. They stormed the palace and in a grand last stand, about 1,000 palace guards defended Wang to the last man. The rebels then killed Wang Mang bringing an end to his brief dreams of creating a dynasty.

The Insanity of Illegal Aliens & the Plot of the Democrats Nobody Will Talk About

I have worked advising governments around the world for over 40 years. In the process, I have learned all their tricks. The Democrats are using the RACE CARD to fool the public and destroy the United States. All of this total nonsense that the Republicans demanding ID to vote are racists because poor blacks have […]

Market Talk – May 11, 2023

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 4.54 points or 0.02% to 29,126.72 Shanghai decreased 9.60 points or -0.29% to 3,309.55 Hang Seng decreased 18.41 points or -0.09% to 19,743.79 ASX 200 decreased 3.80 points or -0.05% to 7,251.90 Kospi decreased 5.51 points or -0.22% to 2,491.00 […]