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We Can Win if we Understand the Game Plan

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have posted your model and warned that we are entering a period where totalitarianism is the objective into 2032. Can you explain perhaps in more detail what that means? Thank you for your courage in these times WH ANSWER: While everyone is focused on COVID and arguing that there is no […]

Rubber & the Shipping Crisis

People may not realize that 90% of all physical trade is moved by container ships. Because of COVID-19, the disruption in the supply chain has created a shortage in containers never seen before. Because companies could not ship their good during the lockdowns, the attempt to catch up has led to a massive shortage of […]

Malta Will Only Allow Vaccinated Visitors – All Others – Get Lost!

COMMENT:  Hi Martin, I have read that Malta is the first country in Europe that only allow tourist fully vaccinated. I have booked my vacations in August in Malta, but I decided not to be vaccinated. Do you think that the rest of countries in the world will support and do the same? This is […]

The Latest Fraud of CNN

  CNN is deliberately misleading the public, and they REFUSE to do any real investigative reporting. They should be shut down as a propaganda organization that is against the national security of the United States. Anyone who would bother to just look at how that statistic was created would be ashamed to repeat it. CNN […]

Inflation On Track into 2024

COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing how you are the only one capable of forecasting this trend years in advance. I have been attending your WEC events since 2011. You have forecast long ago that the deflation would end in 2020 and that this wave would be inflationary with shortages in commodities. If the world simply […]

Palm Beach Destined to Sink Beneath the Sea?

The world leaders at the G7 summit told the world that climate change is a huge threat and the sea levels are rising. Obviously, all the millionaires in Palm Beach are asked to donate unlimited amounts of money to stop the sea from rising, or all their homes will vanish. Perhaps in a few thousand […]

Market Talk – June 28, 2021

ASIA: Washington’s effort to bring manufacturing from China to the US – so-called reshoring – is nothing but “empty talk” and the US will become increasingly dependent on the world’s second-largest economy for the foreseeable future, according to a top former Chinese economic official. Wei Jianguo, a former vice commerce minister said “The US will […]

DOWN UNDER & the Great Reset

QUESTION: Re, the distorted job market. We currently run a short term accommodation business in NSW, Australia. For about 3 years we have been trying to hire housekeepers. What we slowly learned was what you mentioned in your blog. We would get at least 40 applications for the one position. Then I would break it […]

The Rising Conflicts – New Report $75

  This is a focus report on the three hot spots where we have the greatest conflicts – Taiwan, Crimea, and the Middle East. This report goes into great detail to explore these risks for each region as we head into these turbulent times ahead. We must respect that the Biden Administration is probably the […]

Resistance is not Futile – The Little Guy Can Win

  The interesting thing about small dogs is they do not realize they are small. We need to think the same way. For years I have watched the pros focus on statistics and get caught by surprise. The stats reflect what the average person already did last month, quarter, or year. Plenty of times I […]