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Interviews & Press

Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2024 Deep State War – Interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (7/18/24) Fall of Dominance and New World […]

WEC & Models

This year’s World Economic Conference will focus on the future and our model design so that you can understand and employ this for your level of investment/trading. We have sent out information on the background history of cycles, so we do not have to cover that in the WEC. This year will be more about […]

Climate Always Changes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I want to commend you for standing up against the covert agenda of global warming. It is dumbfounding how decades of research into geology can just be ignored. You are correct that everything changes. The magnetic polls move continually so places that were tropic became covered in ice and places that are ice […]

First Sovereign Debt Default in the 4th Century BC

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read this time its different by Rogoff. While it is interesting about sovereign defaults, he clearly does not go back into ancient times or more than a few hundred years. If anyone would know when the first such default took place it must be you. Any idea? ANSWER: Yes. The first such […]

Socrates: Political Unrest & Economic Financial Trends

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong, I see that you’re about to launch Socrates, which seems to be a lifetime achievement. Congratulations. I have a question : it seems that, for now, it will deal with economic trends and cycles. Do you plan to extend Socrates to geopolitical and domestic social and political affairs ? Even on […]

Artificial Intelligence & Neural Nets – Sorting out Truth from Fraud

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it seems many people are starting to pretend they have artificial intelligence systems and neural nets. It seems that they are using these terms very loosely. Can you explain the real difference? Everyone I have spoken to says you are the father of AI in finance. Thank you for all you contribute […]

Obfuscating Analysis

  COMMENT #1: I have watched the plagiarism going on around your work where people are clearly stealing everything from you and then claiming to have the same track record and then trying to cover it up claiming they use Dewey and Kondratiff yet attempt to come up with a specific date as your model […]

Democracy Is More Than A Right to Vote

The first thing government and the majority of academics try to hide is the business cycle for they argue only their policies will eliminate something that is part of nature. We must understand that the origin of all business cycles is humanity. I named one report which has become pretty famous “It’s Just Time” in […]

Secession in the Winds: Texas & Catalonia

Our Cycle of War uses the Wheeler Index. However, there were some major problems with overlooked key events. So we corrected the data and extended it for the period following his death. We then created a parallel index correlated to economics. The result was an apparent series of cycles and a correlation with the economy […]

The Dow & the Computer

The Global Market Watch picked the May high and the August 24 low in the U.S. share market. It is warning that we may have a temporary high in 2015. If we penetrate the August 24 low, then we may indeed fall to the 13000-14000 area leading to a slingshot move back to new highs. […]