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ECB To Flood Southern Europe with Trillion Euros

The ECB will lend to banks in the next two years up to a trillion euros to revive the real economy in the periphery of the Eurozone all to save the Euro and retain the power in Brussels that is crumbling at the edges. This, massive volume of long-term loans is even far greater than previously […]

European Banking Crisis is Far From Over

Most people do not know but banking in the rise from the Dark Ages began with merchants and the banking capitol of Europe was Siena, Italy. This is where the oldest bank in the world resides and it is here where we see the consequences of the CDOs marketed by Goldman Sachs and others have dealt […]

What Goes Around – Comes Around – Russian Sanctions on Europe

Put has directed a one year ban on importing food from the West. Even fruits and vegetables are now affected by the proclaimed sanctions by the Kremlin. Putin’s one year ban was announced by prime minister Dmitry Medvedev. The sanctions are Russia’s sharpest response to Western sanctions over the Ukraine conflict. They also apply to […]

European Banking Crisis Still in Full Motion

The question as to WHY is the European Banking System so screwed lies in the problem of the design of the Euro. The failure to create a national debt by consolidating all debts of member states from the outset (explained in detail in the special report), left the European banks vulnerable to the mix of […]

The Euro – A Dying Currency

COMMENT:  Your daily effusions are a tonic — for which much thanks. Reading your earlier writings, and specifically your Oct 1997 memo on the Euro,I am stunned how little has changed in the last 17 years.Somehow that flawed currency has been induced to retain a pulse but it is not hard to anticipate its sudden […]

The Euro

The Euro continues to sink lower as the dollar has risen to eight-month highs on worries over tougher sanctions to be imposed upon Russia and their potential impact on the seriously weak Eurozone growth. The tax rates in Europe are simply insane and now even the German population must work MORE than half the year […]

French Industry Calls for Massive Devaluation of the Euro

Head of Airbus in France calls on the ECB to lower the rate of the euro by massive money printing to $ 1.20. Like other states, he is calling effectively for a devaluation of the Euro to make European goods competitive in world markets. The Eurozone use currency as a weapon. The Airbus Group would benefit from […]

European High Court Rules Against Google

Following the ECJ judgment EU citizens may apply for the cancellation of search listings on Google. The verdict triggered a veritable wave of fire fighting applications. Google has received more than 70,000 requests for deletion of their search files, including about 12,000 applications from Germany alone. Overall, it comes to the removal of more than […]

Banksters More Fines – European Bail-ins Coming to Canada

Citigroup Inc is reported to be close to paying about $7 billion in fines to resolve a U.S. probe into whether it defrauded investors on billions of dollars worth of mortgage securities in the run-up to the financial crisis, reported News Daily. The USA has discovered a cash-cow and the banks have paid now over […]

Feel of Europe

Well my quick European tours is over and as the old song went, Back in the USA. (Yes I took that Picture). London was booming like I have never seen it before. Everything was very beaming and the hotels were packed. And as for hotels, the same comparable rooms in the same chain seem to be […]