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The Polluter Elites

The very people flying to Davos annually on their private jets are responsible for the majority of environmental pollution. The globalists are the “polluter elites” who want to implement prohibitions on consumption for the masses. The Guardian recently reported that the top 1% produce more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%. The climate change agenda […]

Wagner Group Attempted Coup?

  @c4news “You sons of b******, gather your children, send them to war.”: Wagner Group chief tells Russian leaders to improve handling of the war in Ukraine or face revolution “just like 1917”. #news #ukraine #c4news #russia #russiaukraine #ukrainewar #putin #wagner ♬ original sound – Channel 4 News The Wagner mercenary group attempted what the […]

Putin’s May 9th Speech – The Full Review

  The West keeps getting Putin wrong mainly because they have taken the Blue Pill and just repeat the propaganda put out by primarily the United States government. They told all journalists that Putin would formally declare war on Ukraine, institute a draft, and call up all reservists. The Western Press continually denies the existence […]

We have Enemies Within Our Own Governments Seeking War & Agenda 2030

There is a discussion now to ban Russia from the G20 meeting. Whatever can be done to create World War III is in full motion. Meanwhile, Biden wants to not just seize the private property of Russian individuals like yachts, homes, and anything else he can just seize, he wants to sell off the assets […]

Laying Foundation for World War III

The revelations pouring out from John Durham are very enlightening which have confirmed that the Democrats for four years led by Hillary Clinton, set in motion the strategy to constantly attack Trump and thereby prevent him from carrying out his goal to drain the swamp. John Durham has revealed that “A secret Trump server is […]

Biden Out to Destroy the US Financial Markets – Tomorrow

The REASON Biden needs war is very simple. The world monetary system is collapsing. The negative interest rates in Europe since 2014 have wiped out all the pension funds that needed 8% to break even. This is what is being the Guaranteed Basic Income because the politicians have destroyed the future of pensions. Even in […]

Schwab Admits he Controls Trudeau & Cabinet of Canada – Now the World

Schwab has publicly bragged that he has “penetrated” cabinets around the world to force his economic philosophies upon the people circumventing any right of the people to vote. This was at his talk at Harvard. He has infiltrated Harvard and has brought his agenda to be taught there. This is what he is doing. He […]

Fauci our Modern-Day Mengele – He Must be Removed

Now the new Dr. Mengele of our time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who does not actually practice medicine, has announced that the US is still planning for COVID-19 booster shots to continue. Everyone will be mandated to get one after 8 months. Biden said shots could be administered after 5 months. The entire story is that […]

Biden Tried to Hide the Failure of the US in Afghanistan

Biden put pressure on the President of Afghanistan not to tell the world that the Taliban were winning to create the “perception” that the Taliban weren’t winning, “whether it’s true or not.” A transcript of the phone call exposes the lies of the White House that they did not know what was happening. They knew, […]

Conspiracy Theories Coming True

COMMENT: Marty, your forecasts have been amazingly correct years in advance and then we get to watch other analysts coming in at the last minute to pretend they called it. You have always been in the mix and actually know all the people in all of these events since Long Term Capital Management. I have […]