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Coins of the Siege of Masada

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I tried to search to see if the Romans ever issued any coins to announce the victory over Masada. I did not find any mention of Masada and coins whatsoever. I assumed if anybody knew it must be you. Were there any coins to commemorate that event? BK   ANSWER: No. […]

Who Really is the Deep State?

QUESTION:  What is your understanding of the term “Deep State”? Do you think there’s a deep state as it is referred to in the media today? I have come to understand a deep state as meaning the permanent global institutions that are on their directed agenda irrespective of its citizens or their political leaders agendas. […]

Comey was Protecting Obama as Well

  Hillary used a private email because that would not be “discoverable” without a subpoena of her personally. Her fundraising for the Clinton Foundation was all protected by her private emails and it allowed her to solicit money from foreign governments. As soon as she lost, the funding stopped. The revelations from the Inspector General […]

McCain Advised IRS to Audit so many that it becomes “Financially Ruinous”

I have never been a fan of John McCain and see him as a hypocrite, which is my personal opinion. Now Judicial Watch has gotten hold of IRS documents that show McCain’s staff also advised the IRS to engage in audits of people he did not like and “audit so many that it becomes financially […]

Civil Unrest = Hoarding of Assets

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You pick themes that are not really just political on the surface, but beneath you are connecting the dots economically. This is what I read between the lines for you do not always emphasize it in every post why you will address issues like migration and civil unrest. Are these serious issues […]

Democracy – Trump – Issues To Support or Not Support – Is that the Question?

QUESTION: Do you agree that a democracy will never last because the people will vote themselves other people’s money? Do you support Trump or are you against him? Sometimes to agree and others you disagree. Or are you just between the two extremes? VE ANSWER: First, a democracy has been always temporary in nature, this is […]

2032 – How Hard Do We Fall?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, First, I’d like to offer my condolences on your mother’s passing. It feels to me that you must take great satisfaction in the fact that she must have been very proud of your accomplishments, and what you are trying to do for the average person. To me, that is the ultimate […]

Congress Criticizes Trump’s People for Meeting with Russians

  The report is out on the claimed Trump collusion with Putin to defeat Hillary. All it did was criticize some members of Trump’s team for meeting with Russians at Trump Tower who claimed to have dirt on Hillary which was a ruse just to get a meeting. What they were trying to do was explain […]

CNN Neither the Most Watched nor the Most Trusted News

I was on a rather high-level phone call to Asia. The commentary turned to Trump and CNN. Here the opinion from outside the country was that Trump was doing a very good job. He has started a renegotiation of trade and he is the first president to take a hardline position against North Korea which […]

Has Trump Poisoned the Well?

QUESTION: At first, I thought you were just pro-Trump. But I have seen you criticize him on a number of things from trade to Syria. Do you think Trump has poisoned the well with regard to politics? What comes after him? HY ANSWER: Actually, your question is constructed upon a political fallacy. You assume that […]