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Renminbi v the Dollar

The dollar haters have been touting that the Chinese yuan, or otherwise known as the renminbi, would kill the dollar and gold will soar. I have warned that China will take the spotlight as the Financial Capital of the World once again but only after 2032. A real assessment of international capital flows reveals the truth. The […]

Crimea & Carving up the World

COMMENT: Dear Marty You mention that Crimea was taken by Russia. However, this is just the MSM view. The West is accused of fermenting the problem in Ukraine which precipitated this. The people voted in a referendum with 31 international observers, 95% to reunify with Russia where they had belonged since 1783. Why does the West not recognize the referendum?? […]

Market Talk- October 12th, 2017

Mario Draghi, declared the intentions of the ECB were to keep rates low, well after the bond-buying program has ended. Draghi stated this was important to keep borrowing costs at bay and promote solid growth within the Eurozone. The EUR/USD rate, is still in the 1.18 region losing 20bps today. The big ECB rate decision […]

Market Talk- October 10th, 2017

News today of the Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont putting a delay on this declaration of independence to try and have an amicable solution with the Spanish Government in Madrid. Pushed the EUR/USD rates up 0.54% to 1.18 on the day. Few other announcements around the world, the Swiss unemployment rates dropped from 3.2% to 3.1% […]

Reality of the Dollar

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong. I understand the logic of the weakness / strength of currency that you outline from time to time in your modelling of the global crisis. You omit to explain the importance in the pace of change in the value of a currency; for instance Venezuela and Argentina according to your explanation […]

Steven Bannon Fired – Thank God

Steve Bannon has been fired  from the Trump team, and many are saying good riddance. It was Bannon who has been the  architect  of the most confrontational approach with Congress and has really been clashing behind the curtain. Bannon said in the interview that the main front was China: “We are in a trade war with China” […]

Market Talk- July 19th, 2017

  A healthy close for Asia in todays trading after the uncertainty seen from a mixed US session. The large cap DOW recovery helped but it was the broader S+P and NASDAQ that contributed most for Asia’s impetus. The Nikkei only marginally closed in positive territory but it was the fact that it closed above […]

Merkel’s Failed G20 Summit

Merkel chaired the G20 summit and she completely and utterly failed to lead G20 to a successful conclusion. Well of course, Merkel lost control of the streets of Hamburg, which looked more like a civil war challenging her authority. However, Merkel thought she could score a major diplomatic triumph by getting everyone together to gang-up […]

Market Talk – June 16th, 2017

As many expected the BOJ kept rates unchanged as they continue to encourage a move away from bonds and into equities. Still the policy approach continues as slow but steady. This caused the JPY to trade above the 111 level even as the BOJ talks of 2% inflation (currently 0.5%). Hang Seng and Shanghai saw […]

Market Talk- June 15, 2017

China’s Industrial Data release marginally above expectation but Investments let them down and tended to quell afternoon anticipation and we closed only small positive. It may also have been the weakness of other core markets that also had an impact as both Hang Seng and ASX closed over 1.2% down the pair. It was energy yet […]