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Market Talk – December 31, 2019

We would like to wish our readers across the globe a happy new year! Market Talk will resume on January 2, 2020. ASIA: With the year coming to a close, it is the Chinese stock market that performed the best in the region with the Shenzhen Composite rising 35%! The Japanese Nikkei also performed well, […]

Market Talk – December 20, 2019

We’d like to wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Market Talk will resume after a brief holiday break on December 30, 2019. ASIA: The Peoples Bank of China decided to keep its 1-year and 5-year loan prime rates unchanged at 4.15% and 4.8% respectively. Meanwhile, China has accused the EU […]

Warfare & Killer Robots That Can Change Everything

It has been reported that China is selling its killer robots to the Middle East. These things will simply kill every human on the battlefield. This is clearly changing the face of warfare and the serious concern is that these things will one day be deployed in civil unrest situations. If we have machines that […]

BRICS, Real Estate, & Pensions

QUESTION: Dear Amstrong, Thank you for all the training you have been teaching us for years. Even though I have gone through 3 universities and have special titles in economics and finance, only after accompanying you for these 15 years, I could understand a little of the true world in which we live. I have two […]

Market Talk – December 18, 2019

ASIA: A special envoy from the US is visiting China at the end of the week to discuss the possibility of curbing Russia’s and China’s attempts to lift some UN sanctions on North Korea. The US claims that North Korea is not backing down with creating nuclear options. The Indian government is planning to trim […]

Vaccines & Illegal Aliens Causing a Health Crisis?

COMMENT #1: I am about your age. 35 years ago my niece died 10 days after receiving the MMR vaccine at 18 months old. 2 years prior her sister nearly died 10 days after receiving the MMR vaccine, still with a disability. I asked many Doctors was it the vaccine they all said no. I […]

IMPEACHMENT – Big Risk for Democrats

The House vote on impeaching Trump may be the stake through the heart of the Democratic Party. Most of the people newly elected were extremely left and they remain vulnerable when they barely made it to Congress, like AOC whose approval rating is just 31%. This will be a test for the moderates v the […]

The Repo Crisis & Mother of all Financial Crises Report

This is a special urgent report available to clients only. We have detailed the progression of the Liquidity Crisis we had forecast would erupt at our Rome World Economic Conference come September 2019. The early warning signs were right there in a our face if you just looked. The next stage emerged into the Repo Crisis and the third stage will unfold as the Mother of all Financial Crises. We are not publishing this for everyone to see because it is too sensitive and we must keep in mind that while the crisis is set in motion by governments, they will never accept responsibility and will always try to hang someone in the private sector for their own mistakes.

This report is part of the Institutional Service. We have opened this report for all clients regard of the level despite this fact that the Repo Market is an institutional playground and that the impact of this will eventually spill-over into the other markets just as the foreign exchange chaos of 1985-1987 resulted in the 1987 Crash. The Plaza Accord in 1985 set in motion the birth of the G5 as they announced the wanted to see the dollar 40% lower. When the dollar fell too much, then then formed the G7 in Paris to halt the dollar's decline. When the dollar fell even further, they lost confidence in the central banks being in charge and that led to the 1987 Crash.

This report will be update next year when Phase III of the Mother of all Financial Crises begins to unfold.

ADVICE To Teenage Daughter Climate Response

COMMENT: I am really, really upset and astonished by ”A LETTER FROM A CONSTITUENT ABOUT HOW HE ADVISED HIS TEENAGE DAUGHTER ON ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’”. I am certain that there are more points to be made but here is mine: Bicycle Do you know they are made of steel, aluminum, plastic, rubber, etc, etc. All ingredients […]

Market Talk – November 25, 2019

ASIA: The recent elections in Hong Kong have given a landslide victory to pro-democratic parties. However, Beijing reiterated that Hong Kong will always be ruled by China. The foreign minister said at a G20 meeting in Tokyo, “No matter how the situation in Hong Kong changes, it is very clear that Hong Kong is a […]