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Euro Short-Term

  Greece today has come out and informed its creditors that it will run out of money on April 9th. This is an appeal for more loans before any reforms are completed upon which new disbursements hinge. Brussels has rejected this request. Meanwhile, Greece has officially denied that it would miss the IMF repayment deadline. Nonetheless, Athens will have […]

Euro & Par

Many people have asked is the max par for this year on the Euro? Yes. We have technical support at 9706 level for 2015. We have Yearly Bearish Reversals are 11645 and 10365. So the 116 level will remain as reactionary resistance this year and the 10365 level is key support just below the current […]

MONTH END Closing Below 10765 in Euro & Market Recap

  We have a DOUBLE Monthly Bearish Reversal coming into play today for the Euro at 107.65. This seems to confirm we will see a drop to par. This is still placing pressure on the dollar and a rising dollar remains the confirmation of a deflationary trend in motion. Europe can lower the Euro, but […]

Austria to Default on Debt of 10.2 billion Euros

The province of Carinthia in Austria with its multibillion-dollar commitments for the former Hypo Alpe Adria, is presenting the classic problem. Does the state honor its guarantees, or does it simply say sorry, we never really guaranteed that. The state government is looking to default of its debt of €10.2 billion euro guarantees. This is […]

Italy Trying to Seize all Ancient Coins found in Europe Desperate for Money

The U.S. State Department and U.S. Customs have already drastically limited our ability to import Greek, Punic, Etruscan, and early Republican coins struck in Italy into the United States that lack a historical pedigree – proof that they were in a collection previously. As government become increasingly broke because of their fiscal mismanagement and greedy […]

ECB Insanity & IMF Tardiness Tearing Europe Apart Yet they R 2 Stupid to Understand It

The ECB (European Central Bank) decision to strike Greek bonds off its list of accepted collateral caused European shares and bonds to fall out of bed. The ECB’s move is a blunt attempt to turn-up pressure on Greece’s new anti-austerity government. Greek bank shares plunged over 20 percent and the country’s short-term debt yields surged […]

US v Europe Divergence

  A lot of questions have come in regarding this subject. Keep in mind that we have two aspects converging (1) Cycle of War targeting 2017, and (2) the Sovereign Debt Crisis. The first has also the Civil Unrest v International Conflict. This divergence need not simply be just international war, although Obama seems so […]

US v Europe – the Divergence

QUESTION: Dear Martin I hope your well and having a good 2015 thus far. I don’t know whether you planned it but after your post regarding people trying to pass your work off as their own a funny thing happened. I was at a luncheon in London with some so called “important” and knowledgeable figures. The […]

UK & Swiss Markets v Euroland

  The London FTSE is closer to the USA in pattern than the rest of Europe. We see a consolidation pattern crawling along resistance levels. Our Energy models are showing it is running into resistance short-term, but we are not yet and the culmination of the trend.   When we look at the European major […]

Are we headed into a European Equity Bubble?

  Our Energy models are warning that the European markets are getting overdone. We have to pay very close attention to Europe for the share markets may not advance and this could send even more capital fleeing to the USA.   Everyone has been buying the bunds and the Dax inside Europe assuming that when […]