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The ECM & Who to Blame

COMMENT: You are dangerous. The stock market peaked on your model again but nobody’s models work like that so it is just more proof you don’t advertise because you are way too influential. So what are you up to now? You are against the progressive movement and you will undermine what we work for to […]

ECM & the Rise in Intensity into 2032

COMMENT: A suggestion. I really think the annual Lobby Day in Virginia, scheduled for January 20, should be considered when discussing the turning point in the ECM. The potential for confrontational violence between the state of Virginia and the federal government on one side, and the Second Amendment supporters on the other, is high. This […]

Is World War III on the Horizon?

QUESTION:  Martin, I have been following your blog for several months and have begun to start reading older posts because it is all amazing work. When looking at your war cycle with Russia that started in 2014 and supposedly cycles roughly 25 years, I noticed that correlates nicely with your ECM on Russia peaking around […]

The Hidden Order & The Motive For Something Greater Than the Norm

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; What I have witnessed from your Socrates and the private blog the past two days, Nov. 29, 30, 2017, has got to be one of the most incredible man-made technological wonders ever created. I am only a few years into your models but the past two days has left me stunned. The […]

Public v Private Waves

QUESTION: Hi Marty. I am confused about the nature of the private wave we are currently in versus the public wave beginning in 1932. Does that mean governments will be more predominant in starting in 1932? This seems contrary to your many statements that the governments today are fighting to maintain control. Thanks, GP ANSWER: […]

Why Did the Dollar Rally Only After the 1929 High?

QUESTION: Hello, I am having trouble understanding how capital flows into the US, which helped the Dow double from ’27-29 didn’t move the dollar. Instead, the dollar moved up abruptly when inflows collapsed. It doesn’t make sense to me. Can Marty cover this at the WEC or help me understand in an email or blog […]

Political Polarization – Are the Democrats Trying to Change American Politics by Opening Borders?

There are trends which have unfolded in politics that cannot be repaired and reflect the decline in confidence in the government which is dominating the future into 2032. We face not only the polarization of politics which is emerging into hate politics, but we are also witnessing the attempt to subvert the political system for […]

When did Trading Begin? Were Free Markets the Key to the Rise of Empires?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I figured there is nobody more qualified to answer the question of where and when did markets first begin to trade? Did markets have anything to do with the rise of nations you write about? KD ANSWER: Only those societies that developed financial markets ever rose to greatness. Those who bash markets […]

Rise in the Euro – Interesting Times Ahead

QUESTION: Was not this move you have been talking about to happen right after the EP elections? What has changed? “While everyone will focus on interest rates, at the end of the summer we will see a refocus back on the structural problems in the Euro.” SM ANSWER: Nothing. What is happening is that we […]

The Forecast of 1997 Calling for the Inverse Relationship between Bonds & Shares Remains on Target

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I attended your WEC in London back in 1997 when the Euro Commission took the entire back row. I remember your forecast that we would begin a period of a dramatic shift in the bond-equity correlation I believe you said would last for at least 23 years. That is nearly due. You […]