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Does a Near Death Experience Change You?

  Trump is alive, for he turned his head to his right just a couple of inches. Had he not done that, the first shot of this patsy would have killed Trump. He said he “‘feels very fortunate” to be alive. Already, I am hearing people want independent ballistics and bullets. With the FBI investigating, […]

Moscow Calls on Pentagon to Ask NATO to Back Down

Russian Minister of Defense Andrey Belousov has attempted to reach out to US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin once again to remind the Pentagon that NATO is backing Russia into a corner. NATO held a summit that concluded by providing Ukraine with an additional $43 billion in aid. The call between the two leaders of defense […]

The Scrubbed BlackRock Ad

  Thomas Matthew Crooks was featured in a BlackRock commercial that has since been scrubbed from the internet. The World Economic Forum-aligned company that manages $10.6 trillion in assets claims that it is a mere coincidence that Crooks was featured in their advertisement. Reporter Laura Loomer first broke the news that BlackRock was tied to […]

The Propaganda Leading to the Dangerous Left

  The nation was silent when President Joe Biden called Donald Trump’s supporters “domestic terrorists” who are the “greatest threat to the nation.” Demonizing Trump has extended to demonizing his supporters – over half of Americans, many of who cannot openly share their political beliefs without the fear of violence. Donald Trump has been compared […]

Assassinations & Markets – Divided We Stand

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is reverberating around the world, to say the least. Domestically, it depends if you are a Democrat or a Republican. Each camp naturally views the event through their personal view of the world, which is basically unchangeable. If aliens landed from another planet and started wiping out […]

STAND DOWN – Let it Happen

  I have often explained that when I was in “civil contempt,” they tried to break me and prevent me from talking to my lawyers. They threw me into the “HOLE,” which was the most secure facility in the country alongside the terrorists from the first World Trade Center attack. They told my family I […]

Congress Must Investigate INDEPENDENTLY – Nothing Adds Up

There are many now calling for a serious investigation of the Secret Service. Nevertheless, we are entitled to answers NOW and no more JFK-style investigation BS that covered up the DEEP STATE, which may be involved again. Trump now knows the game, as I do; this time, he will have his own cabinet. That makes […]

Secret Service Complete Failure?

QUESTION: Marty: You have been warning that Trump might be assassinated because these people are unwilling to yield power. Your gut feeling is far better than anyone I know. Your opinion is always valuable, not just Socrates. Keep it up. Jeff COMMENT: Marty, you posted on the private blog on Feb 14, 2024; “The Neocons […]

Destroying America Because the the other side wins

What I can say for sure is that there are groups of people who would rather see the USA being destroyed than allow it to be led by people from “the other side.” Everything is connected. Kick over that one domino in front of you, like Trump, and it sets in motion unforeseen events. This […]

Was the State Police that Got the Assassin – not the Secret Service? Hm!!!

Let’s get something straight here. There is absolutely NOTHING that comes out of the mouth of Attorney General Merrick Garland that I would ever regard as truth. He said he “will bring every available resource to bear to this investigation.” Like they did on Hillary lying to the FBI and classified documents on her server […]