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Stirring the Pot For War

Many people have written in and asked why have I been unable to convince governments to avoid war. Quite frankly, they think they can win and more importantly, they need this because the entire socialistic system is collapsing. They rely on people buying their bonds year after year with no intention of paying anything back. […]

The Christmas/New Year’s Wars

Many emails have come in asking if the January target is going to be geopolitical. Holidays are a favorite time to launch attacks. Remember the Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War? Of course, during Vietnam, President Richard Nixon ordered major bombings to begin on Dec. 18 when North Vietnamese walked out on peace […]

Federal Reserve & Misconceptions

There is an onslaught of misinformation about the Federal Reserve from everything that it can go bankrupt, and the Treasury will become a second central bank, and of course, the Fed is really the cause of inflation and its balance sheet. The proposal by Janet Yellen to buy in long-term debt and swap it with […]

Ice Age – the Come Rapidly

  COMMENT: Marty you may remember this. When this hit upper midwest I was in middle school in San Diego. I was in the library every morning before school following this, Voyager and Viking. I watched another rendition of this video on youtube and it cut out the portion where the chief scientist at Lamont-Doherty […]

Climate Change – The Big Fraud but Why?

What is absolutely astonishing, is that this entire global warming propaganda that they then changed it to climate change because it was not just getting warmer – but colder. The entire premise is that the climate is changing all because of the Industrial Revolution and CO2 they REFUSE to address the fact that there are […]

Will Putin Step Down in 2023?

We have a very serious problem. Former Chancellor Merkel has openly stated that there was NEVER any intention to carry out the Minsk Agreement and that not only condemned the people of the Donbas to war, loss of their religion, and the tyranny of Kiev, but they were using them for bait to deliberately force […]

Why does Academia Always Resist Change?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that the Roman coin the academics said was fake has now been shown that it had been in circulation. Is this what you talk about how academics are always trying to reject anything that upset their established view of science or history? SC ANSWER: Absolutely. It does not matter the […]

United Nations Preparing for their One World Government

The resolution “Towards a New International Economic Order,” reaffirmed the United Nation’s need for power to continue working towards a new international economic order based on the principles of equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest, cooperation, and solidarity among all States. It passed from 123 to 50. Back during the 1970s, in the aftermath of […]

Political Contagion Does not Need Central Command

When our model had forecast the fall of Communism in 1989, the general press was attributing it to modern communication since the Berlin Wall fell a few months later. I pointed out that the same time difference took place when in Rome they overthrew their king in 509BC and within a few months in Athens, […]

AOC’s Flop – More Spent on Fossil Fuels than the Movie Took In

COMMENT: Regarding AOC and the FLOP climate change documentary. How much fossil fuel was used for this flop of a project. Sounds contradictory to the proposed agenda the are preaching. Almost as ironic as the elite jet setting with their private jets while we should all ride bicycles to work. MA, Thank you for being […]