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EU Downgraded to NEGATIVE by Standard & Poor’s

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has lowered the credit outlook for the EU as a whole to NEGATIVE. SPIEGEL Online reported, in addition to the new aid for Greece, one of the reasons for the negative rating includes the investment plan by President Juncker to spend more money. No one comprehends that increasing tax enforcement and raising taxes is not […]

Windows 10 – Be VERY Careful!

Once again, Microsoft screwed the world with its Windows 10 feature called Wi-Fi Sense. This nasty feature has serious legal implications for it will automatically connect your personal Wi-Fi network to anyone in your e-mail list using HotMail, Skype, or Outlook, and even Facebook, making those friends questionable. If any such person comes within range of your home […]

The Dow & the Two Paths To Chaos

We have a Daily Bullish Reversal in the Dow at 18105.00. A closing above that will warn of a retest of the May high of 18421.13. We still do not see a major crash unfolding and the next three months will remain choppy. We have a serious risk of two patterns. Do we get the […]

The Dow & the May High

So far, so good. The May high held for June and we achieved the lower monthly closing. Things will be choppy ahead for the remainder of the summer; hopefully we decline into October, leaving the May high intact. This would set the stage for a better recovery ahead. Our monthly Energy Models peaked January 2014 […]

Greece Shuts Down Access to Safe Deposit Boxes

COMMENT: Hello Martin, A few minutes ago the deputy Minister of Finance Mrs Olga Valavani said safe deposit boxes will be reserved! Bank officials denied this statement. However, there is a lot of confusion and panic since a lot of people (who unfortunately did not read your blog) have put their cash or coins in […]

The Dow & Rising Interest Rates

COMMENT: Between the early 1960s to 1982 the Dow was basing with an overhead resistance of approx. 1000. The prime interest rates during those 20 years varied from 5% to a high of 21.50% in 1980. In 1982, the Dow broke out. In eight years, the Dow increased ten fold while interest rates were declining. Then, […]

Mario Draghi Backs Down on Greece

We are really plagued by people in government who are totally clueless on how markets trade. They have been arrogant in assuming they do not need Greece and if they force it to default, no big deal. They are starting to come to their senses, but for how long? Zeit Online has reported a dramatic turn […]

Metals Still Pointing Down

The precious metals are still pointing lower into our Benchmark targets. Indeed, the hunt for money by government is becoming so severe we may see the second Benchmark complete the decline, rather than the first. So be prepared for that development. The hedge funds are starting to sell again, keeping in sync with the charts. […]

Following E-mail Notifications Are Down

Our site is undergoing maintenance which may prevent users from receiving e-mail updates. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working diligently to rectify the situation.

Cops Shutdown Girl’s Lemonade Stand for No Permit

The Texas sisters Andria, 8, and Zoey Green, 7, wanted to raise about $100 to take their dad to Splash Kingdom as a Father’s Day present, so they set up a traditional neighborhood lemonade stand. After they made about $25 profit, the nasty insane Overton police showed up and shut the lemonade stand down because the […]