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Oil — Have We Reached the Next Turning Point?

COMMENT: MA, Someone said they sold the euro at 116 with a stop loss at 11705 and  sold gold at 1305 with a stop above last year’s high.  They earn a lot. But they not mention that your crude oil forecast is also correct! Feb 28, 2016 A daily closing above $33.60 on Monday will be a warning that […]

Open Letter to the Guardian

(feel free to forward this article to everyone) The Guardian headline is supporting government propaganda that 9 out of 10 economists warn of a dire future if Britain exits the EU. For a newspaper who published Snowden, I would expect a lot more integrity on this issue. The Guardian is reporting propaganda on a grand […]

Dollar Reality – End of Petro Dollars

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, (a) You say that the world is losing confidence in governments and I do not question that for a minute. (b) BUT you also say that the dollar will strengthen for various probable sounding reasons, which it is presently doing. (whereas many think it will collapse). For the collapse theory: it appears […]

Apple & Reversals – Per-Click Payment Structure of Socrates

If I do not mention something on the blog, some people think it means I missed the move. Sorry, but this is not about me as an individual trying to forecast everything. Apple shares fell right down to the Bearish Reversals, which was a huge gap. They held and then bounced. My goal is to deliver […]

Looking more like Trump v Hillary

Donald Trump absolutely crushed Cruz after taking all five states including Pennsylvania and Maryland. Hillary Clinton won Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, but Bernie may walk away with two states. The fact that Trump and Bernie are there shows that the public is really fed up with politics as it stands. It is looking more and […]

401K Coming Crisis – Robbing Your Future for Govt. Employees

401K is a Private Retirement Fund under US Law QUESTION: Martin, I’m still fairly young, so I don’t have a lot saved in my retirement accounts yet, but I’ve been maxing out my IRA for the last few years to get the tax deduction. I worry because I’ve heard you and others talk about congress wanting […]

What Are Tangible Assets?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, In your April 20 blog post, you stated, “You are better off with tangible assets for the transition when it comes.” Please explain what “tangible” assets are, and what “non-tangible” assets are, assuming these also exist. Thanks for the wonderful education, M. ANSWER: Tangible assets are non-debt related, fixed assets in general. This […]

Market Talk – April 19, 2016

An encouraging session for Asia overnight but especially the Nikkei. Bouncing from yesterdays lows with an enticing 600 point (3.7%) rally. We did not see that response from either the Shanghai or Hang Seng but positive sessions for both is acceptable for any day. The JPY remains a focal point between dealers as all are looking for […]

Market Update

The market continues to press everyone up against the absurd. The Dow rallied so far above the 18100 level that it defied the logic that continues to be bearish. Likewise, if we see crude oil pressing highs and a close above the last high of 4242, then we should fill the gap up to the […]

Market Talk – April 11, 2016

The Yen has reversed some of its gains from last week but not before attempting more early in the day. Having hit highs early in the session it spent the majority of the day drifting lower to close over the 108 handle. The Nikkei, therefore, saw the exact reverse having hit session lows early then […]