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Member of Parliament Comes Out of the Closet – Lockdowns Are for Social Control

In Britain, Graham Brady, Chairman of the Tory 1922 Committee and member of Parliament, has written an op-ed for the Daily Mail where he made it very clear that the purpose of the lockdowns is to impose social control — not to reduce COVID. He has pointed out that this is approaching what is known […]

Resistance is not Futile – The Little Guy Can Win

  The interesting thing about small dogs is they do not realize they are small. We need to think the same way. For years I have watched the pros focus on statistics and get caught by surprise. The stats reflect what the average person already did last month, quarter, or year. Plenty of times I […]

Fauci Undermining the USA on a Global Scale

  COMMENT: Marty; I just had to express my gratitude for everything you do. You nailed this Covid-pandemic from the beginning and you were the first to publish on the Wuhan Fauci link. What has impressed me was it is now here on Sky News that Fauci was worried about a leak in February 2020 […]

Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to […]

Taxing Per Mile You Drive – Why?

The proposal running around the Biden Administration is to impose a tax on every mile you drive. California wanted to tax space shuttles for every mile they travel upward into space. While this may sound insane, what is behind it is strategic. They are deliberately pushing gasoline prices drastically higher. What was $30 to fill […]

Federal Reserve & Conspiracy Theories

COMMENT: Hi AE….just an observation for you. Altho’ you have mentioned your disagreement with the points of view of such people as Ed Griffin (The Creature From J Island), Ron Paul (End The Fed), & Jeff Berwick (current best seller is Controlled Demo of The US), all of you are in agreement about the total […]

Now Bill Gates Comes out – Climate Change is Worse than COVID

Now that Trump is defeated, we will see them move to the next excuse to crush the economy — climate change. Bill Gates, in his GatesNotes, wrote: “What’s remarkable is not how much emissions will go down because of the pandemic, but how little,” Gates wrote. “The relatively small decline in emissions this year makes […]

FBI Warns of Armed Protest at Biden’s Inauguration

Now we have the FBI warning that there may be an armed assault against Biden during the inauguration. This is getting really crazy. I really hope that is NOT the case but I would not put it past someone deliberately doing so to blame Trump supporters to drive 50% of the country underground. On the […]

Republicans Democrats & 3rd Party

QUESTION: You never said that the Republicans would split only the Democrats. Has something changed? SD ANSWER: No. The Democratic split is different. That is a party of highly diverse beliefs. You have the middle-of-the-road Democrats who want Pelosi gone. She represents to them the radical California contingent – as the call it. There are […]

Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even believable anymore. Trump expanded the base for the Republicans which included African Americans who saw through the propaganda as did Hispanics. Trump proved that lowering taxes […]