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Unleash the Dogs of War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, regarding your recent post about War, does this topic also relate to some hidden agenda about decreasing the world population? Thank you as always for your insight! Yours, JL ANSWER: There does not appear to be such a coordinated agenda. This is a few agencies who fear they are becoming redundant like NATO and […]

West v Russia

When governments attempt to persuade the people to their side, the rhetoric becomes so blatant it is stunning that the majority of people just believe what they are told. The typical tactic is always to paint your enemy as some “monster” as Trump just called Assad. You must always demean an opponent and the simple fact […]

Mueller – the Secret Agent of the Deep State?

Robert Mueller’s team members are the people who destroyed Arthur Anderson. When the firm finally got to the Supreme Court, they overruled Mueller’s team for what they had done was unconstitutional. Well, they are back at it. This is what is wrong with our legal system. Prosecutors act with immunity and can do whatever they want FIRST […]

Russia & the Panic

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I greatly appreciate the mere fact that you cover the Russian markets when nobody does. It is really incredible that your computer can write so much and there is no fear of bias or policial slant. Socrates just wrote, “At this moment, this market is in a downward trend on all our […]

The Coming Pi Target – Will it Bring World War III?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Putin invaded Syria precisely on the day of your model back in 2015.75. You have stated at the WEC that the upcoming Pi turning point on November 21, 2018, is most often political in nature. You scheduled this year’s WEC for the week before. Trump just called Assad an animal. Even […]

Greco-Turkish War – Is it Inevitable?

QUESTION: Message: Hi, huge respect for your eye-opening work. You mention that war is more likely to erupt in the middle east than Korea. Since middle east seems to be in a state of perpetual combat in different areas, do you think war could expand as Turkey is more & more openly hostile to Greece? […]

Is their a Social Cycle in Attitudes?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your article of the whole issue of prostitution. The entire problem is that some western women assume that all prostitutes engage in the profession unwillingly. That is just so biased. What about the women who marry not for love but for money. They are not forced. When the Iron Curtain […]

Is Goldman Sachs the new Rothschilds?

Many in Germany are up-in-arms over the appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel of Jörg Kukies who will become deputy finance minister in her new coalition government. Kukies will take over the responsibilities for financial markets and European policies at the Finance Ministry. Virtually every position in the key financial markets in Europe and American are all coming from […]

Secret Empires – Corruption Beyond Belief

I have written many times about the deep corruption among the political class. The way they have always taken bribes is through their families. I have written how Hillary’s brother magically got the gold mining contract from Hati when he wasn’t a gold miner. The Clinton Foundation which was supposed to be a real charity […]

Justice Department sues California for Harboring Illegal Aliens Defying Constitution

The Justice Department is suing the state of California for violating the Constitution by passing laws that shield illegal immigrants. Governor Jerry Brown is simply committing treason. It is interesting how he is sheltering illegal aliens which seems contrary to so many aspects even economically. I understand children that were brought here, grew up, and […]