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Market Talk- June 9, 2017

The big talking point in Asia was GBP and the early indications that results were leading to a hung-parliament. Even before Europe had opened sterling was around 1.75% lower on the day. However, Asian markets were mixed with the largest mover being KOPSI (+0.75%). China data (CPI) released in line at 1.5% for May, whilst […]

Some German Politicians Come Out Joining Trump on Climate Change Calling it “Moral Blackmail”

Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada After Trump pulled out of the Climate Accord that would not let anyone speak at the Paris Conference who disagreed with their research, now according to Reuters, the conservative Berlin circle within the CDU is also calling for a softening of the German climate policy. In a statement, the group demanded an […]

Bonds & Stocks Rally – What’s Going On?

This coming week is what we would call in horse racing a trifecta with former FBI director James Comey’s testimony, the U.K. election, and the ECB monetary-policy meeting. Then our capital flow models seem to be picking up European buying of both US shares and bonds taking advantage of a rally in the Euro. The […]

Market Talk- May 16th, 2017

Asian markets performed on the back of a strong US session which in turn was helped by the oil price rally. Having heard that Russia and Saudi had planned production cuts that could run into Q1 2018 we saw renewed confidence as investors moved away from the USD and into Euro, GBP and JPY. The […]

Market Talk- May 4th, 2017

“The mood seemed anxious” – this was one comment we heard today as prices drifted in Asian light volume. The FED had already put a hawkish tone into the markets following their meeting but then commodity prices aren’t really helping matters either. The ASX has felt the weight of BHP and Rio price action recently […]

Martin Armstrong Letter to Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin 1997 Warning Against Intervention

In 1997, Robert Rubin was once again trying to influence the currency markets by talking the dollar down to reduce the trade deficit with Japan. The volatility was rising as this policy created a 6 week crash in the dollar. However, this set the stage for the Asian Currency Crisis which began immediately thereafter in […]

The End of Quantitative Easing – Perhaps Now It Will Be Inflationary?

One of the greatest monetary experiments in financial history has been the global central bank buying of government debt. This has been touted as a form of “money printing” that was supposed to produce hyperinflation, which never materialized as predicted by the perpetual pessimists. Nevertheless, the total amount of Quantitative Easing (QE) adding up the […]

Market Talk- April 6, 2017

Japan was the major mover in Asian trade that followed the sentiment set by the afternoons reversal in US stocks. The Nikkei fell around 1.4%. The yen traded back to previous highs as again it was pushing against the 110 resistance level. Shanghai continued its run after the long weekend, eventually closing +0.35 higher again. […]

Market Talk- March 30, 2017

It was all reverse today with the DXY trading above par, the JPY back into mid 111’s, and stocks all negative after the BREXIT concerns were claimed. Asian investors, like many Western investors, continue to look for safe-havens as the geopolitical landscape looks increasingly uncertain. Stocks lost ground today with all core down around -0.75%, […]

The Financial Crisis 1992-1993

QUESTION: Marty, it is well known here in Britain that you advised Thatcher of course, but it was John Major you advised and even wrote what he said during the pound crisis and the Soros attack. Would you ever like to comment on that in public about what really happened during that crisis. The press will […]