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Market Talk – November 19, 2019

ASIA: China and South Korea entered into a defense agreement that could dent South Korea’s relationships with the US and Japan. The agreement will work on developing security ties and ensuring stability in the region. This comes about after China accused the US of meddling with affairs in the region. Recently US President Donald Trump […]

British Labour Party – The Greatest Threat to Britain

There is absolutely no question that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party poses a greater threat to Britain than BREXIT. Corbyn said, “Nurses, teachers, shop workers, builders, just about everyone is finding it harder to get by, while Morgan Stanley’s CEO paid himself £21.5m last year and UK banks paid out £15bn in bonuses.” What […]

Market Talk – November 12, 2019

ASIA: China is trying to implement a digital currency and be the first in the world to do so. “We know the demand from the general public is to keep anonymity by using paper money and coins…We will give those people who demand it anonymity in their transactions,” Mu Changchun, head of the People’s Bank of […]

Mickey Mouse Climate Change Scientist Says We Need To Reduce Population

Amazingly, among the list of 11,000 climate experts includes Mickey Mouse from the Mickey Mouse Institute For the Blind. No one in the press bothered to verify such an announcement despite 11,000 scientists claiming to have signed something that no legitimate scientist would EVER ascribe to. This is not science, it is propaganda. What scientist […]

Market Talk – October 29, 2019

ASIA: According to Reuters, a US official has said that a lot of progress needs to be done in drafting the US-China deal and will not be ready in time for the meeting in Chile. “Our goal is to sign it in Chile. But sometimes texts aren’t ready. But good progress is being made and we expect […]

Mortgage Backed Securities Still Defaulting – Bad Omen for Real Estate?

During the last Mortgaged Backed Security scandal which undermined the entire world economy, they created mortgage modifications which enabled millions of delinquent homeowners to avoid having their home foreclosed. Since 2007, it has been estimated that some 8.7 million permanent mortgage modifications were created. There are still over $800 billion of these bubble-era loans outstanding. […]

Catalonia & the Inevitable Split of Spain

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I was expecting a blog about Catalonia after the trial. So, here I am. Things have escalated lately and we are seeing violence in the streets. People are getting angry with no solution nor proposal from Madrid on the table for years. Spain will never allow Catalonia to get independence, a referendum […]

Market Talk – October 22, 2019

ASIA: No real news coming out today regarding the US and China trade deal. Positivity surrounds the recent round of talks, although phase 1 has not been approved. However, China is still pressing the US to lift all tariffs prior to a deal being reached. Still, there are a few non-tariff related issues that are […]

BREXIT Vote Delayed – Democracy Has Fallen

Once upon a time, if you voted against someone like Obama or Tony Blair in Britain, you simply accepted your loss and moved on. Those days are indeed properly for story books which begin – “Once Upon a Time.” This is not something which is unique to Britain. We are beginning to see the collapse […]

Eat the Babies to Stop Climate Change?

This climate change scare tactics can really lead to serious responses from some people. One woman proposes destroying Russia and eliminating all Russians, but that will not be enough to stop climate change so she offers the next solution.