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More Strange Gold Reasoning

QUESTION #1: Marty, ___ ________ makes the argument that if “the government” raised the price of gold to $5000/oz it would start and inflation that would wipe away the debt.   Don’t they have to ensure convertibility as well? He kind of skips over that. And isn’t that pegging the dollar to gold, and no […]

Market Talk- September 15th, 2017

North Korea spooked markets yet again by launching a missile that reported flew over Japan, which came a day after North Korea claimed it would sink Japan. The events were short-livid however and after a brief flight to safety in gold, treasuries and the Yen markets quickly corrected back. The JPY traded into the low […]

Germany & France Want to Tax Gross Sales on the Internet

  The hunt for taxes in France and Germany is in full swing. Merkel and Macrone are looking for endless new sources of tax revenues. They are moving directly into the position of destroying their economies because their thirst for more and more taxes never ends. No matter how much they collect, they never have […]

Market Talk – September 14th, 2017

We really needed some data to support recent Asian moves and sadly that was not fourth coming today. China’s numbers missed on Investment, Industrial Production and Retail Sales so should be no surprised we reversed recent gains. Investment was expecting a number north of 8 (actually looking for 8.2) but was released at 7.8 for […]

German Hyperinflation & What They Do Not Teach in School

QUESTION: Dear Marty Following your blog is a good way to counter the propaganda in our society. Today you stated: ‘This was the fate of the hyperinflation in Germany. It was NOT the Quantity of Money theory, it was the fact that there was a 1918 Communist Revolution in Germany where they had even asked […]

The Bank that was Small Enough to Jail

QUESTION: Marty; there is another documentary on the Abacus Bank and how they were singled out and charged for the 2007-2009 crash. While they said this was a tiny banks for immigrants that was too  Small Enough to Jail, I found this offensive that they said it was the first bank to be indicted since 1991. Not even Matt Taibbi […]

Global Warming & Storms

While some of the news coverage was interjecting global warming as the cause of the storm, in fact it tends to work in the opposite direction. This has been a sharply declining period of temperature. I wrote about how this was the year without an Arctic Summer.  This has been the coldest summer in Europe and even […]

News & Exaggerating The Storm Coverage

The devastation in the Florida Keys and in the Caribbean Islands has one thing in common. Those houses constructed in wood frames cannot withstand even a Category 3 storm no less a Category 5. To understand the disaster, we have to face the fact that construction standards are critical. Wood houses should be prohibited and […]

Market Talk- September 12th, 2017

As the DXY continued its bounce, so Asian currencies returned their recent gains with the most noticeable move being in the Japanese yen. The currency in late US trading is seen with a 110 handle a decline of 0.6% on the day. The declines were counter-balanced by stocks that all rallied with the Nikkei 1.2% […]

Market Talk- September 11, 2017

With no missile test Saturday or new geopolitical news over the weekend, Asian stocks opened on a positive note. The Chinese central bank loosened some financial restrictions which also added to the positivity for both domestic and regional markets, combined to support all markets. The central bank move opens the market slightly, returning responsibility to […]