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The Dow – To Correct or Not?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, last week i read on your blog about possible fall in Dow Jones, you said it’s possible that we could see biggest fall ever and that should start this September but today you sad you don’t expect major correction. I’m sure there are many readers on your blog who are confused about this topic […]

DACA – one-size fits all?

COMMENT: I understand what you are saying about lumping everyone together under this DACA program. It looks like Trump heeded your warning despite the fact you say you do not advise Trump. Curious how this time seems he is listening to you as does China. What would you do if you were President? JH REPLY: If I was […]

Market Talk- September 6th, 2017

A lot of the talk in Asia was surrounding concerns over the continued and unsurprising decline in the KOPSI. Today it fell again (-0.3%) with industrials and core exporters leading the decline making this the fifth day sellers have taken the lead role. The Nikkei lost for another day, but this time only a small […]

Market Talk- September 5th, 2017

Am eager to get onto the US’s reaction to weekend events, so will just briefly say that China markets performed on the back of strong PMI data – the highest in three months (52.7 against a previous 51.5). RBA left rates unchanged. The remainder of the trading day focused on US markets reaction to the […]

EU Refuses to Honor Solidarity to Share Expenses of Refugees

The EU has been dictating to the member states but has failed to shoulder common costs for the refugee crisis they did not create. The EU denied Italy to subtract the cost of feeding refugees from their budget restrictions imposed by the EU. Now the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban called for a payment of […]

Market Talk- September 4th, 2017

Stock markets were spooked by North Korea’s sixth nuclear test over the weekend which had the usual effect of rallying safe-haven such as gold and treasuries. The US dollar also found a bid with the Japanese yen benefiting as money scattered from the risk. The Nikkei ended the day around 1% lower with exporters being […]

3D printing, AI and Robots v Dark Age

  QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong. Let us say that the future turns out OK-ish (post crash and burn), that we avoid another dark age. 3D printing, AI and robots do a lot of the work for humanity. The amount of available mundane jobs are reduced and replaced by our inventions. Have you had any thoughts […]

Is Gold Still Relevant?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Gold rallies with each political event and then falls back when the event is over. It is not in a sustainable relentless bull market as was the case in the 70s. Almost every stock market has outperformed gold since 1980. This has made me wonder if something is different. Here in India […]

USA & EU Differences in Monetary Policy

QUESTION: Sir,      In March 2013 Cyprus performed a forced loan through their banking system of about 50%. You have warned that if they do it there, they will do it here. Are trading accounts safe? Respectfully  DK ANSWER: The Cyprus event was instigated by Germany’s fixation with its hyperinflation and thus they are fighting […]

The Cycle of Civilization

COMMENT: Interestingly enough, in Switzerland the -in majority- leftish and Pro-EU government has been trying to push Switzerland into EU for years as you’re aware of. Now the SVP is fighting against a new international contract, called “institutional agreement” which would give (amongst others) the EUGH the Supremacy Clause over Switzerland – end of Swiss direct […]