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Stormy Daniels Forced to Pay Trump’s Legal Fees

Stormy Daniels, the ill-advised Jezebel, has been ordered by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to pay Donald Trump’s legal fees. Daniels would not have chosen a career in on-camera prostitution if she were smart enough to extort a former president. Someone is advising her behind the scenes. In this particular instance, Daniels attempted to […]

The 6th Wave – Do We Ever Learn?

QUESTION: Hi, Have you come across a period in history that at the end of the sixth wave, after the political system dies, during the next six waves, human mankind learned from its past errors and corrected it? ANSWER: Actually, the answer is NO. The fall of the Minoan Civilization brought in a dark age […]

Neocon Always Lose – But They Are Never Down for the Count

QUESTION: Marty, I am really in shock. You put out the Ukrainian Model and stated in your March 6, 2022 post a year ago: “I have warned that our Model of Ukraine was turning down as of January 6th, 2022. However, in addition to this, we are approaching also the 31.4 years (Pi Cycle) which […]

FIAT – What is it Really!

QUESTION: Governments create their own sovereign fiat currency, to facilitate trade, among other reasons. So counterfeit is punishable, in some countries, by death, & at minimum, incarceration. Currency is supposed to be sacrosanct, created under the most exacting conditions. So what to do when your own gov’t engages in what is essentially officially endorsed counterfeit? […]

Earn Six Figures Without Working

  The US government has been on a spending spree over the past few years and there is absolutely no way they can ever pay the bill. Federal spending hit $4.45 trillion in 2019 in the wake of the pandemic, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). That figure hit $6.21 trillion as of the latest report, […]

Zuckerberg Could Not Buy TikTok So He Wants to Ban It

China banned Facebook in 2009, instantaneously eliminating 700 million users from the platform. Mark Zuckerberg was unwilling to give up a piece of his social media empire without a fight. Zuckerberg actually learned to speak Mandarin and toured mainland China, delivering speeches in their native tongue and attempting to align himself with the Chinese. There […]

What will Become Money Post-2032?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Been reading your writings with keen interest for over 15 years now since while you were incarcerated. My question is: The way you paint a picture of the past economies going back hundreds and thousands of years through the discovery of coinage hoards is brilliant. How will a future “Martin Armstrong” from say […]

Is the WEF is a Marxist Indoctrination Center?

Karl Marx said: “Men make their own history.”

Are Markets Irrational or Analysts?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Who is being irrational? The markets or the analysts? KE ANSWER: That’s simple. It is the analysts. The markets are ALWAYS correct. When you have bank failures unfolding, people will withdraw money out of caution. It is the very same reason there are ancient hoards of coins. You find coins in times […]

Brenner & Kondratieff Waves v Economic Confidence Model

COMMENT: Marty, I began following you in 1985. That is when everyone was using the Kondratieff Wave and admitted it averaged 45 to 60 years. They were all predicting another Great Depression. You were the only one right back then as well. I remember your advertisement in the Economist saying a new Private Wave was […]