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How to Stop Schools from Mandating Vaccines

QUESTION: Greetings Martin I hope all is well with you and your family. I wanted to get your opinion/advice on forced vaccines for children It appears the law is pretty clear cut with “experimental vaccines” cannot be forced by either private or public agencies. That being said it also appears that govt will step back […]

Farmer Protests Rising

  People are unaware of the agenda with food and why Bill Gates has become the largest holder of farmland in the United States. There is a whole new agenda unfolding, and, of course, mainstream media has been bought off. Farmers in France and Croatia are standing up to EU policies. Farmers in France have […]

Understanding the Persecution of John Law

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong…..this is a surprising (to me) summary, on John Law. Every piece I ever read about him, cast him as a complete scoundrel, yet you obviously write with admiration. Just another example of history depending on someone’s perspective. You never cease to surprise. And that’s good. HS REPLY: John Law was actually […]

Food Crisis of 2021 in Europe

We are staring in the face of a serious food crisis in Europe as food prices rise continuously, and with further draconian COVID measures within the EU, they are bringing the food supply chains to a standstill. Our models have been warned that this 8.6-year cyclical wave into 2024 will be one of commodity inflation […]

Collectibles Going Crazy?

This June, Sotheby’s will be auctioning off three of the greatest rarities in the stamp and coin field. The 1933 Double Eagle $20 gold coin, the unique British Guiana One-Cent Black on Magenta, and the unique Inverted Jenny 1918 Plate Block. This is truly an incredible offering from a single collector to have captured three […]

Market Talk – March 31, 2021

ASIA: The United States strongly condemns moves by China to further reduce political participation and representation in Hong Kong and is deeply concerned by a second delay in the territory’s Legislative Council elections, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday. The measures are part of Beijing’s efforts to consolidate its increasingly authoritarian grip on Hong […]

Revealing History

COMMENT: I find it interesting how two people the general consensus has said were scoundrels, John Law and Julius Caesar, you have shown were actually people against the establishment. I read your Anatomy of a Debt Crisis and you have put together the contemporary historians where everyone else just seems to rely on the fake […]

The Political Theater of Absurdity

Do we have to wonder just how long will the press allow this complete farse to continue? Journalists have no sense of honor, for what they are allowing to take is devastating their own families’ future. Truthfully, if my children were a journalist selling this BS, I would disown them. The CDC has even reduced […]

NYC Imposing COVID Passports & Biden Preparing for Same

Well you can cross the Big Apple off the Tourist list. New York City will be the first to impost Vaccine Passports to enter places. There goes Broadway. If that does not end NYC, I suppose nothing else will. You would think that if this was closer to the Spanish flu with a 3% kill […]

Biden’s First Press Conference – Oh Boy!

    Biden is not competent to be President — plain and simple. During his first press conference, he had cheatsheets and only took questions from journalists who already agreed to never expose the truth. He had photos of all those in the room and the ones who were marked (see New York Post). He […]