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World Economic Conference 2020 – Dec 4 & 5

This year’s World Economic Conference, which Nigel Farage called “the alternative to Davos,” will be held in Orlando on December 4 & 5. We had to cancel Shanghai and Frankfurt this year, but our arrangements with the hotel here in Orlando and politics have opened doors. We will not be able to accommodate the usual […]

The 2020 Gold/Silver Ratio Report

    On the various interviews I have done concerning the precious metals, many were surprised to hear me say that gold was not breaking out on a sustained basis with the ratio rising. When the ratio hit the target area, many have written in to say ,”Wow, shorting gold and long silver was an […]

The 2020 Elections & Beyond

Here is the 2020 Election Forecast and Beyond. This is a special report that provides the Forecasting Arrays out for 12 years so this is not just the 2020 election which we have provided previously to only politicians and governments. The stakes were never this high before. Here you will see firsthand why the markets […]

Masks & Elbows – End of Shaking Hands?

COMMENT: meine bank – volksbank düsseldorf-neuss – hat mir mein laufendes konto gekündigt,weil ich mich geweigert habe, eine maske zu tragen und zwar im vorraum der filiale, wo sonst niemand war! ich hatte mein med. attest vorgezeigt und daher keine maske getragen. ich bin kunde und teilhaber der genossenschaftsbank seit 1977 und hatte auch viele […]

The 2016 Soft Coup Unraveling

The Coup Against Trump because he was anti-war and “not one of us” is unraveling deeper and deeper corruption which is leading right to Gina Haspel who is the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). They have contrived fake news and used it to go after everyone around Trump to disrupt his administration. Flynn […]

Astronomical Phenomenon & Socrates

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you so much for sharing the connections Socrates is making between seemingly unrelated ideas. I’m a high school/collegiate science teacher and am wondering if Socrates has identified any correlations between coming astronomical phenomenon (like lunar phases or planetary alignment) to war or the economy. The information you’ve provided on the Sun […]

Why Alberta Better Exit Canada & Fast!

COMMENT:  Dear Martin, I have followed your work for years now I want to thank you for your tireless efforts to provide insightful information, the world needs you and your information more than ever. I am writing to you because of the concern specific to Alberta, and Canada. If you want an example of a […]

Market Talk – September 29, 2020

ASIA: Chinese online media firm Sina Corp. is quitting Wall Street as Chinese tech companies come under heightened scrutiny in the United States. The Beijing-based firm is being taken private by its chairman and chief executive, Charles Chao, in a deal that values the company at $2.6 billion, Sina (SINA) said in a statement on […]

London Police Attack COVID Protestors on Saturday 9/26/2020

  Once again, the London police continue to support the government and attacked peaceful protestors in Trafalgar Square. No matter what the evidence, the government is maintaining these Draconian lockdowns. We can see that the protest was peaceful until the police showed up to brutally abuse the rights of the people that will suppress their […]

Judge Amy Coney Barrett on the Short-List

Appellate Judge Amy Coney Barrett is at the top of the list for replacements for Justice Ginsberg. Like hydroxychloroquine, simply because Trump nominates her she will be vilified. She is a Catholic and already the Democrats are preparing to tear her apart based on her religions. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame’s law […]