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Currency War – The Misguided Understanding of the FOREX Markets

  While the IMF chief Christine Lagarde has come out expressing her fear that not only a trade but also a currency war may emerge that could dampen the growth of the global economy, there are some serious issues that need to be addressed.  The problem with misunderstanding currency and its role in the floating […]

Market Talk- October 12, 2018

A much welcomed relief rally seen in Asia today, which was a refreshing surprise given how most opened. China did publish the best trade export numbers toi the US in sometime, but is being negated by the storey US firms maybe front-loading imports in fear of increasing trade tensions. Steady progress was made from the […]

Market Talk- October 11, 2018

As you would have anticipated, the decline in Asia was as brutal as expected. Not everyday you see an 800+ fall in the DOW and so Asia followed through with its interpretation. All core opened lower and it went worse from there. Shanghai was the standout closing 5.22% down on the day. Talk that the […]

Are we Rewriting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf

The rising hatred between Democrats and Republicans over Trump has sent chills up my spine for it is so reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, from which a read renders one departing with a sense of real devout hatred. I have always read the works of such people like Hitler and Marx, because it is important to […]

Market Talk- October 9, 2018

Shanghai opened marginally weaker, but was either side of close for the balance of the day. Fortunately, the index did close with a positive a marginally positive print whilst the currency managed to behave itself. There is talk late in the European session that China was playing in the FX market – selling US Dollars, […]

The View of American Politics from Afar

COMMENT: This business with Trump and the media is quite amazing when seen from a distance. I read posts from people who can not see past what they are believing. It’s as if the hate for Trump has become a Religion. A religious person will refuse to look at things from another perspective and this is […]

Market Talk- October 5, 2018

The draconian fear of rising rates being bad for stocks, was flushed through into Asia this morning with all core markets trading heavy. The Nikkei lost nearly 1%, having opened lower it could not find a confident bounce throughout the day. The Yen is treading water around the 114 figure level, but looks to be […]

Market Talk- October 3. 2018

The Nikkei retreated from its recent highs in cash terms, but is late this evening retaking those losses. The concerns surround the auto and petrochemical industries, but the poor auto sales number certainly did not help key stocks today as Honda dropped 4.3% and Mitsubishi Motors down 3.4%, while Showa Denko fell 5.2%. However, many […]

Market Talk- October 2, 2018

  Shanghai remains closed but the Hang Seng reopened after its public holidays to a negative mood. The trend remained the same for the day, as bid after bid was hit to close down 2.38% on the day. The news that US Defence Secretary James Mattis proposed visit to China had been cancelled, escalated the rumours […]

Market Talk- September 1, 2018

The refreshing news that the US and Canada had reached an agreement, that would replace NAFTA, encouraged markets across the world today. Starting in Asia the Nikkei managed to add +0.5% even as Confidence (a Bank of Japan statistic) declined yet again. However, the Nikkei rally was at the expense of the Yen, which late […]