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Twitter Exposing the Real Threat – Leftist Revolution

The revelations coming from Elon Musk gaining access to Twitter demonstrate that the LEFT is the greatest danger we face to civilization and there is absolutely no reason still stand for the United States to remain as one nation. The hatred of the LEFT is so pervasive it is off the charts – but then […]

Swiss Joining the Force Against Russia

COMMENT: Just read your article on Poland building up a big army, just like Germany. Here in Switzerland they are also active and training their army as never before. …  I would very much appreciate your take on this issue and your view on Switzerland and the Swiss Franc in this scheme. Thank you (and […]

Understand How We Think

QUESTION: I see how you were surprised by your dog in discovering how she studies your patterns and predicts where you are going. My dog does the same. I didn’t pay attention to those traits until you wrote about them. The very trait of how to think is fascinating. Have you incorporated that into Socrates? […]

Flirting With the End Times?

QUESTION: You have said you have backtested your ECM into ancient times. Have these cycles been consistent? Have you arrived at a conclusion as to why? Thank you. It was a great WEC. I for one always lean a lot. EL ANSWER: Yes, I have reconstructed the monetary system of the world using the coinage […]

Ukraine Strikes Moscow Airport Expanding the War

There is no possible way to now avoid World War III. Ukraine has launched drones to attack Russian airfields making this a direct war with Russia supported by the United States, the EU, and NATO. It looks like our insane leaders who refuse to simply comply with the Minsk Agreement and allow the Donbas to […]

Europe’s Leadership – Pure Insanity

Europe is trying to impose a cap on Russian oil at $60 a barrel. Russian authorities rejected a price cap and threatened to stop supplying the nations that endorsed it. Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, the United States and the 27-nation European Union agreed to cap what they would pay for Russian oil at $60-per-barrel. The […]

Trading v Forecasts

COMMENT: Marty; you should not be so hard on yourself. Nobody has tried harder than you to alter the outcome. Socrates is just unbeatable. I shared your hope that gold would have just cracked $1000 and that would have been a sling-sot up. But it stopped at $1045 and the reversals were elected and that […]

Fixation with Numbers

COMMENT: You Know…years ago, all these different monthly reports did not affect the markets day to day so much. Now…Today..these reports send huge panic cycles in the markets every time they are announced. Doesn’t that tell you something about the future?? Doesn’t that tell you something about the US economy? The end keeps getting closer. N […]

Right v Wrong

QUESTION: Marty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never wrong. You always say it is not your opinion. Is there some secret to how you do this? Nobody else seems to even compare. Or is it all just the computer? FK ANSWER: We all are human and […]

How Thinking has Inverted What was Up is now Down

I was in conversation with people I know in Europe. It is like the entire world has flipped upside down. This Climate Change Agenda is something far more sinister than anyone in mainstream media is willing to print for it has really little to do with saving the planet. If you are pro-War with Russia, […]