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What is Klaus Schwab Really About?

A lot of people are starting to feel as if Klaus Schwab is the anti-Christ. He is advocating that no one should buy or sell without a digital health certificate, and he advocates trans-humanism while insisting on lockdowns of even religion. I don’t know about being the anti-Christ, but he is a very sick and […]

How the Supreme Court Doomed the US & the West

    I have been warning that those in Washington DO NOT like outsiders. Only 106 republicans out of 196 joined Texas demonstrating that behind the curtain, nearly 50% of republican politicians prefer Trump to leave because he is not one of them. The Supreme Court avoided ruling claiming Texas had no standing which is […]

What if Covid Dies Out?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, If Covid dies out naturally before the European elections next year, what might the “Reset” crowd turn to in order to influence/alter the elections? The WEC was terrific!  Thanks very much for making it available by live stream!  Also, thank you for the updates to Socrates. AB ANSWER: I do not believe that […]

Lockdowns for Climate Change

This entire move for lockdowns under COVID-19 is not going away. They have destroyed businesses intentionally to end commuting. They are determined to end fossil fuels and to make your car obsolete. There have been discussions about using the lockdowns to further meet the climate change goals of reducing fossil fuel use. They are in […]

United Nations Handing over Names of Dissents to China

The United Nations internal ethics investigation has agreed that the U.N. Human Rights Office approved handing over the names of Uighur activists to China and the excuse really makes you wonder do they think we are just all total morons? They are handing over the names of these dissents because they were “primarily interested in […]

Klaus Schwab & his Communist Revolution

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, does the press no realise that if Schwab reaches his goal, then the free press will cease. Their own demise. RW ANSWER: I know some journalists who see this for what it is. Unfortunately, the editors have signed on to this agenda and they will not allow any true free press […]

Klaus Schwab says – You will Own Nothing in 10 years

  I am deeply concerned that too many Americans are totally blind to the truth. They think this election is just about Biden v Trump. This is the World Economic Forum video on 8 predictions for 2030 which includes the surrender of the United States to the United Nations – they just say the US […]

Schwab is Finally Starting to be Noticed

Prince Charles calls for Military Action-like Plan to Prevent Climate Change

  Prince Charles, who also has no qualifications with climate change, has come out and proposes a military-style response reminiscent of the U.S. Marshall Plan to combat Climate Change. Prince Charles is in league with Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates who has been behind using this virus as the excuse to lock down the world […]

Some States Looking at Ankle Bracelet to Enforce Home Confinement

Some states are now looking to impose the very same restriction they do with criminals by forcing people to wear bracelets to enforce home confinement. There is just way too much evidence that this virus is so minimal it is insane. There is simply another agenda going on or we have the largest crop of […]