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New California Rebels Against Tyranny of the Majority

The movement within California to split the state between Republican v Democrat has passed the first hurdle in becoming the 51st State. The movement is called the New California. They read their own Declaration of Independence on the floor of the State Senate. Their position reflects the serious divide within this country of left v right. […]

California in Peril

California is trying to scheme to circumvent the Trump Tax Reform which limits deductions to $10,000 in state taxes from their federal returns. Of course, the California press portrays this as punishment for voting for Hillary. But they support higher taxes as long as they get to deduct them from the Feds, which has been […]

Should Hospitals be NATIONALIZED?

The symbol of medicine comes from a small town located on the Peloponnese in Greece known as Epidaurus. People would travel there to pray for their health to Asclepius (Greek: Ἀσκληπιός) who was the god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Asclepius represented the healing aspect of the medical arts. They would pray to his […]

Mueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump

CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited China or Qatar to invest any money in his company during the campaign. This is what I mean about Mueller. He is a vile and very evil man who is […]

Socialism Always Moves to Tyranny

  The economic message taught in most universities is very distorted. It universally teaches children to judge economic systems from the perspective of their victims. They will endlessly point out the impoverished people and the devastation of the climate as proof that capitalism is evil and that we need government to intervene. We have economist […]

Mueller Trying to Take Down Trump – Will He Create Civil War?

  Prosecutors are really no longer able to prove cases without what is commonly called a “rat” who will take the stand and say whatever the prosecutor directs them to do. They always charge conspiracy because they do not have to actually prove you committed any crime. They threaten someone else to testify against you […]

Mueller Creates his Own Conspiracy

Robert Mueller III issued a 37-page indictment detailing a description alleging that there was Russian interference in the election targeted against Hillary. The alleged culprit is the Internet Research Agency which targeted over 100 people including the U.S. citizens. Mueller claims they supported Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The clever tactic of Mueller here appears to be […]

Collapse of the Rule of Law

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I read all the words after the film. I found it interesting that the filmmaker went to the government and asked them to explain their position and nobody would appear. Instead, they just threatened NetFlix and everyone else to ban the film in the United States. It was on TV here in […]

Nunes Memo is Out

  Nunes Memo Here is the Nunes memo the FBI and the Democrats did not want to be released. This confirmed that the FBI and Department of Justice abused their surveillance authority to target Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. This describes a criminal act on the part of the FBI – FRAUD UPON THE COURT. White House […]

McCabe Resigns Ahead of Internal Investigation Report on FBI

Andrew McCabe, who has become the face of the Deep State, has finally resigned ahead of waiting for his pension on March 18th. Don’t worry, he is using his leave time to stall the clock so he gets his pension which he should forfeit. He was pressured to quit by FBI Director Christopher Wray in […]