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Market Talk – January 26, 2021

ASIA: The IMF expects the US and China to be by far the most successful at steering their economies through the pandemic, leaving Europe and other emerging markets trailing in their wake. In its updated forecasts for the global economy, the fund predicts that by 2022 recoveries in the US and China will leave their […]

The Markets in Light of the Chaos

  When we look around the world the final say in every election is always the vote of capital – which is international rather than confined to local politics. Biden has already shut down the pipeline from Alberta which will only be symbolic for whatever substitute will mere be brought in by ship and pumped […]

The Devious Plots of Bill Gates?

Bill Gates has been pushing to keep the planet locked down in 2021 using the virus as an excuse to reduce CO2. Even in Germany, the government has been lying to the people extending the lockdown little by little. Internal papers have shown that they intended to keep everything locked down until at least June […]

Human Experiments Continue

There is a very serious problem going on, and there are lawyers filing suits in Europe against the development of the PCR test, which is seriously flawed and was never created with even a sample of COVID. The conflicts of interest in the creation of this test are well known, but of course, mainstream media […]

Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even believable anymore. Trump expanded the base for the Republicans which included African Americans who saw through the propaganda as did Hispanics. Trump proved that lowering taxes […]

Market Talk – December 16, 2020

ASIA: The US Congress has officially passed the USD 740 billion defense policy bill, which among other things, included calling out Chinese aggression against India along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The US House of Representatives and the Senate on Tuesday passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included key components of Indian-American […]

Politics – It’s Over – Finally?

Can Trump still win with lawsuits or invoking the fraud provisions of the Executive Order of 2018? I am not trying to give anyone false hope. Many people have written in because they do not understand the system. The overseas readers seem to be upset the most for they were hoping for Trump to stand […]

Has New York Signed its Own Destruction?

New York politicians have destroyed their economy and now are looking at raising the taxes on the rich even more. Carl Icahn moves hedge fund from NYC to Miami. Even Goldman Sachs is looking at sending its most profitable division to Florida. This is how the cities have self-destructed. They think that businesses and “rich” individuals […]

Market Talk – December 11, 2020

ASIA: The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said on Thursday it began revoking China Telecom’s authorization to operate in the United States as it took further steps to crack down on China’s role in US telecommunications. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai noted several US government agencies had recommended the revocation citing national security concerns. In April, […]

Gold & BitCoin

COMMENT: I admit I have been a gold bug and I bought into Bitcoin. I have been following Socrates since you began forecasting Bitcoin. I want to say that it has convinced me that these fundamental forecasts are just like fake news. When Socrates said gold would decline and then Bitcoin would rise, that made […]