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Europeans Hoarding Cash Increased 6.4% in 2014

In the United States, there was approximately $1.29 trillion in circulation as of October 1, 2014, of which $1.25 trillion was in Federal Reserve notes. Interesting enough, this was nearly matched now by the Euro. According to the European Central Bank , which publishes its balance sheet every week, circulating euro banknotes has just crossed the […]

Yearly Bearish in Euro 121.56 – Woe is Europe

The fear of a resurgence of the Euro Crisis has weighed on the common currency driving it down sharply trading at 1.2156 at 6:05 EST. The euro fell to $ 1.2122 intraday, marking the lowest level in two and a half years. However, our Yearly Bearish Reversal is 1.2156 precisely where we are trading at […]

EU Looking to Centralize Corporate Taxes – the Federalization of Europe

President Jean-Claude Juncker of the EU has instructed all member countries to provide information on their tax decisions (breaks) provided corporations to the authorities in Brussels from 2010 to 2013. Brussels is now on the offensive to raise money and they are now targeting international business. Taxes should be determined whether competition is distorted by selective tax breaks in the […]

European Share Market Outlook 2013

This special report surprised many. Topic covered include The Rise of Separatist & the shift from public to private investment strategy.


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Euro – More to it than Just Watching the Printing Machine

Why the bounce in the Euro? There is resistance appearing within the Governing Council that is far larger than previously believed. There is no majority within the 6 member Executive Board raising some hope that massive flooding of euros may subside. Lautenschläger, Mersch and Coeure are opposing Draghi’s plans to blow-out the money supply. Other council […]

Retail Sales Declining – Hello European Deflation

Governments are pretty much brain-dead in their vain attempts to manipulate the economy. They think that lowering interest rates will “stimulate” the economy and cause people to borrow. That has never worked because people respond to the trend and function in anticipation. The root driving force is rather straight forward. Why is there an inflationary […]

Europe Explained at Last

  Europe Explained – a Good Laugh

The Coming Cold Winter for Europe

Even Merkel has hinted that there could be a problem with heat this winter given the problem with Russia. As winter approaches, the former Soviet satellite nations are all watching Russia and Ukraine’s stalled gas negotiations with growing real fear. Much of the former Communist regions still have antique energy systems that are centralize. Houses […]


The assumption of the hyperinflationists has been that governments will just print to meet their obligations. That theory is based upon revolutionary government who CANNOT SELL debt to anyone. In the case of the West, we issue debt and because of that, the first effort is to meet the demands of bond-holders. That is only […]

Why Goldman Sachs & Blackstone Are Becoming So Hated in Europe

Goldman Sachs and Blackstone are private equity investors buying up rental property in Madrid. About 13,000 household were told their rents would not increase. Now in a down market, when their renewals come due. they are told their rents will rise sharply or get out. Now a judge will decide who, if anyone, is to blame. […]