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Google’s New Flying Car & the Future Could Be So Much Britighter

I found what I want for Christmas – Google’s prototype for a flying car. It would be really nice if we could ban all people from government who have zero experience in the real world who love to be career politicians to tell the rest of us what to do. Then we need to take […]

Market Talk- April 26, 2017

Strong US earnings are matching or indeed breaching expectations and the DOW is reflecting the confidence. Well, that is how the mainstream opinion feels – which is always good to know. Asia followed the momentum with the core reflecting strong daily returns. The Nikkei closed another 1% higher, this time with the Yen continuing to […]

London Property Sales Crashed 40% Thanks to Tax Increase

Where I use to live back in 1985 The London housing market sales has crashed to its lowest level now since 2013. We reported in November 2015 with the turn in the ECM on 2015.75 that the London property market peaked. Valued crashed by 11.5% in the first month after the turn of the ECM. Landlords […]

If You Can’t Reform – Just Blow The Budget Completely Apart

You really have to wonder how politicians ever come to these ideas that they have a right to discriminate and suppress anyone based solely upon what material things they possess. In France, the left is running to take 90% from the rich and hand it to everyone else. Why should they continue to invest, take […]

Market Talk- April 21, 2017

Having seen a strong US close on the back of potential tax reforms sooner rather than later, Asia responded with positive returns across the board. Well, actually the Hang Seng closed with a small loss of -0.06% which almost felt like a gain. Obviously, after such a volatile week traders have squared books as much […]

Market Talk- April 19th, 2017

Most of the talk yesterday concerned Europe and specifically the UK’s snap election decision by the PM, Theresa May. In Asia, we saw the reaction to the news which resulted in most core indices closing lower on the day; with the only positive from core being the Nikkei, but even then only just! The Yen […]

Erdogan Seizes Total Control of Turkey

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has achieved his dictator status which was his long-held ambition to expand his powers after the referendum handed him the reins of supreme power. However, the integrity of the vote is seriously questioned and the slim victory of just 51.4% approving a series of constitutional changes converting Turkey’s political system from […]

Market Talk – April 17, 2017

Weekend tensions continue to push money into safe-havens with the yen a good example of the flow. Gold, Treasuries and cash have also performed over the weekend. Trading down to the low 108’s, its lowest level since last November but still well above the August sub-par level. The Nikkei reversed early losses however and eventually […]

Trump’s Shift on Positions & the Rise of Kim Jong Un

QUESTION: Marty, you said Trump was wrong and China was not a currency manipulator and that Trump was following the same path as James Baker and the Plaza Accord. Everyone knows you are the guy countries run to in the middle of currency wars. Trump just changed his position on China dropping his claim about […]

Trying to Save Monte Paschi – Oldest Bank in the World

The EU Commission is looking to bailout Monte Paschi by almost eliminating more than 5,000 jobs. The Monte Paschi plan that was presented last October called for 2600 layoffs. It is the oldest surviving bank in the world and the third largest Italian commercial and retail bank by total assets. This makes it a critical bank in Italy. […]