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Do Coins Reveal the Futility of our Times?

The study of coins, numismatics, has constantly expanded our knowledge of antiquity in recent decades through new discoveries which have proven so many old theories wrong and turned academics on their head when it comes to their theories. Without the consideration of the coins, many questions of ancient history would never be answered. Nevertheless, many […]

The ECB on the Verge of Collapse?

  The European Central Bank (ECB) will NOT aid Italy with an EU rescue program if the country or its banks are in financial turmoil. The Italian government is taking the view that Italy has become an “occupied” country and that Germany has conquered Europe imposing austerity and its view of inflation upon the whole […]

Uncertainty is the Mother of Volatility

QUESTION: Well you called this year the political year from hell. You got that one right again. Between trying to figure out the politics in the US, we have Britain in turmoil and Italy trying to figure out if they should stay or go. Hungary becoming more defiant and Sweden swinging to the right. You […]

Directional Changes & the Worst in 40-Years

QUESTION: Marty; Your directional changes are amazing. They signal a change but it can be a turn as well as a sudden blast to the upside. You also mention that this is the worst you have ever seen personally in 40 years on the private blog. Could you elaborate? Thank you for being here. There are […]

Without Investigation We Do Not Even Know the Right Questions to be Answered

QUESTION: I noticed your chart on the third party activity. Do you find that it does not matter what data series you are looking at the patterns are always the same? Thank you for your brilliant education WH ANSWER: That is an absolutely correct statement. What you are looking at be it politics or markets, […]

Will Impeachment Make the Market Decline?

Trump has said that if he left office, the stock market would decline. Those who are against Trump have actually made comments like: “It’s a ridiculous remark — the kind of thing a Latin American dictator or a Middle Eastern strongman would say to keep supporters in line.” This was carried by CNBC and all […]

The Press Conspire to Influence the Elections Come November 2018 to Overthrow Trump

The FAKE NEWS is banning together to try to overthrow Trump and the Republicans this election season. They do not like to be called FAKE NEWS and act as if their “opinion” should dominate the country. Far too many newspapers “endorse” candidates and that is taking a political position rather than being objective reporters of […]

Our Journey Through Life

QUESTION:  Hello Martin. Over the years I have read so much of your adventurers (if you could call them that =) and some of the great masters you quote from time to time. I know you have done a massive amount of research on your own. I was wondering about some of the unknown people in your […]

30 Years of Global Warming Forecasts all Failed

  The Wall Street Journal just published a review of the Global Warming Forecasts for the past 30 years. They have not even come close to the scenarios they put forth back in 1988. On June 23, 1988, the then NASA scientist James E. Hansen who helped to start all this nonsense testified before the Senate […]

Scandinavia Receiving Capital Inflows As Well As Poland & Hungary

Just to Clarify, we are also picking up Capital Inflows from the EU moving into Scandinavia – Denmark, Sweeden & Norway. We also see money moving into Poland and Hungary which appears to be some diversification movement. What has become increasingly apparent is the mere fact that confidence among SERIOUS money is starting to realize the […]