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Melbourne Australia – the Example of the Worst Police State in a Pretend Free Society

    The Melbourne police have turned into a ruthless anti-Human Rights group of thugs. They are enjoying the ability to simply beat up people arrest them for nonsense. They are setting people up, using checkpoints, and pulling over cars and dragging people from their cars. This is a real live example of how there […]

The Plot to Create a Terror-State following Hitler’s Playbook

We are in the midst of an all-out psychological war being waged to subjugate the people in the same manner as Adolf Hitler in order to impose this new Great Reset and redesign our world to surrender eating meat and you live off of insects and Bill Gates’ meat alternatives. Gates sold his stock weeks […]

World Has Gone Mad

COMMENT: Hello Martin I listened to your video today about how Socrates predicts civil unrest. It was very informative when you said that the majority of governments are failing and have deficits. In Scotland the first minister may call for a referendum for independence which the media says 56% of the population are in agreeance […]

Market Talk – September 3, 2020

ASIA: China’s population is projected to drop by half by 2100, calling into question the country’s future economic growth in the face of a sharp decline in its labor force. In contrast, America’s population and labor force is likely to be sustained if the Trump administration’s policy of reducing US immigration level is reversed. The […]

FAKE News Has Been Around for Thousands of Years

Many people claim that fake news is just something that Trump made up. They fail to realize that fake news has been a major political tool for thousands of years. The New York Times celebrated Joeseph Stalin as the future and cure for the Great Depression. Their top journalist Duranty even convinced Roosevelt to recognize […]

Germany & The Far-Left Press Called them All Far-Right Radicals

  COMMENT: Dear Marty, I wrote the below report today From Germany, to my children in Canada and US. Re: Berlin Demonstration 29.08. 2020, Quote I am just recovering from a late night and most of yesterday afternoon viewing of many hours of life coverage of what has happened in Berlin. Police, whilst restraint, (not […]

Fundamentals & Confidence – Which is More Important in Markets?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You have said that fundamentals really mean nothing because the market runs on confidence. What about the fundamentals during the 2008 crash? Didn’t the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers send the market down and then it was supported by TARP and the central banks? Thank you; GD ANSWER: The entire economy is built […]

Trudeau using COVID to push his Green Agenda in Canada

The National Post headline: “Trudeau’s ‘brutal’ attempt to use COVID to push his green agenda” is confirming that this is not about COVID where 175,000 deaths out of 328 million in the United States is a death rate of 0.0535%. You do not destroy the economy and people’s futures, pensions, and employment for such a […]

Deep State Preparing for War?

There appears to be a Deep State move to create a new Iron Curtain to ban China from the world economy unless they comply with the New Green Deal. Reliable sources are warning that a Democratic victory will witness the raising of this new Iron Curtain to force China to its knees. The US is […]

Phillips Curve is Dead & the Fed Will Respond

The Phillips Curve states that inflation and unemployment have an inverse relationship. Higher inflation is associated with lower unemployment and vice versa. The Fed is actually recognizing that the Phillips Curve is dead. I have been warning that the Quantity Theory of Money is also dead because all the tremendous increases in the money supply […]