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Market Talk- September 26, 2018

A better and more constructive day all around for Asian equities as most markets reopened (S. Korea still off) for business. With both the Shanghai and Hang Seng opening firmer, a steady trend developed to return 1% for both indices. Remarks overnight from US President Donald Trump failed to assist US trading or external commitment, […]

Market Talk- September 25, 2018

The Asian start seemed confused when opening lower, but it was not long before buyers stepped-in. In holiday subdued trading (Hong Kong and South Korea are closed) the Shanghai index traded heavy for much of the day. It was really only the Nikkei that found the strength to bounce and that probably on the back […]

IMF Warns Britain not Brussels About Hard Exit – Another Political Forecast

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have tracked the IMF forecasts alongside yours and it clearly appears that they are mimicking you very closely. However, something strange has taken place, for now, their latest warning it seems to be politically motivated. Lagarde warns that the U.K. economy will contract with a hard Brexit. Is this coming from […]

Market Talk- September 21, 2018

A solid day for Asia following record highs for the DOW and S+P. The Shanghai wasn’t too sure at the opening, but then mid-morning managed to find a bid and accelerated into the weekend. This acceleration did not stop until it recorded 2.5% rally for the day. Talks are that both China and the US […]

Uncertainty is the Mother of Volatility

QUESTION: Well you called this year the political year from hell. You got that one right again. Between trying to figure out the politics in the US, we have Britain in turmoil and Italy trying to figure out if they should stay or go. Hungary becoming more defiant and Sweden swinging to the right. You […]

Market Talk- September 20, 2018

A somewhat unconvincing day for Asia with no market really standing out from the crowd. Even with Trade Talks hitting all of the papers, the markets look to be dismissing much of the hype. Yesterday was a good example of an optimistic bounce, but the trend remains firmly lower as capital leaves the recent speculation […]

Theresa May Taking Britain Down with the EU Ship?

The talk in the city of London is that there is now a rising chance that Theresa May will be gone perhaps by November or by Christmas at the latest. About 50 conservative MPs have been thoroughly fed up with the PM. The split she has caused in the Conservative Party has certainly put the British […]

Market Talk- September 19, 2018

A strong performance from most Asian markets following the US run. Rather the news than the rumour as many people feared. Both the Shanghai and Hang Seng opened unchanged but from that point on, both made steady progress throughout the day. A strong close for both (+1.2%) after the retaliatory response, but does only appear […]

Market Talk- September 17, 2018

Another day another US/China trade headline dictating direction and concerns. One has to wonder if President Trump and the Washington Trade team are tagging it and playing good cop bad cop with the negotiators! President Trump is apparently insisting they impose additional tariffs, yet negotiators are attempting new talks. Meanwhile, the trend for both the […]

Political Uncertainty is the New Contagion?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand how the chaos with Trump is the wildcard for the stock market going forward which is something we need to follow here even from Europe. But we have chaos in Germany with Merkel who looks like a dictator who will only leave office if you drag her out by the hair. […]