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Secrets of the Universe

COMMENT: Martin – Thank you for your efforts to write your discoveries down into publications so that they will be available for the benefit of civilization after you have passed on. I am very much looking forward the “The Geometry of Time”. Like many groundbreaking thinkers of the past, you may end up being someone […]

China & the Future

COMMENT: Hello Marty !! It looks like the ” China as a parking lot for cash has already begun. FXI going to the moon of late in spite of Xi & Co. cutting off their own economic foot to hide behind their troubles and blame it on the darn protestors to the folly, by golly. […]

Volcano Eruptions On the Rise with Solar Minimum

We are now in Solar Cycle 25 with peak sunspot activity expected in 2025. Solar Cycle 24 which ended in December 2019, was of average in length, at 11 years. However, it was the 4th-smallest intensity since regular record keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 in 1755. We’re now in Solar Cycle 25 and we are […]

New Interview: Energy, Russia/Ukraine, Cryptos, US Civil War, Real Estate Crash

Click here to listen to my latest interview on “This Week in Money“

Democrats Lied About Abortion Just to Win

Dick Armey is the former House Majority Leader and an Economist from Texas. He was elected to Congress in 1984,and arrived in Washington as a novice. Dick, being an economist, was a strong believer in the policies of Ronald Reagan. He was a staunch supporter of his policies, which were revolutionary for Washington. Because of […]

NATO Article 5 – Collective Defense

(click on image to enlarge) I have spent my entire career attempting to prove my own computer system wrong. It brought me no pleasure to reveal that the world was heading into a world war. The War Cycle has never been wrong. Poland’s attack appears similar to the Lusitania sinking that began World War II. […]

WEC 2022 Interest Rates

Interest Rates What Now

This short report provides a look at the interest rates problem and what we should expect from here as we head into a Panic Cycle in 2023 in central bank rates

Politics Globally is on a New Agenda

COMMENT from Thailand:  In Thailand, for the whole 2020, there is only 61 Covid deaths. Few months after mass vaccination there is 20000 “Covid” deaths. This year, I believed that there is an explosion of COVID illnesses and deaths, just like Canada. And the authority is keeping a tight lip about it. Look like 2022 […]

Join Us From Home! The WEC Begins on Friday!

There’s still time to join the 2022 World Economic Conference as a virtual attendee! Allow our past attendees to tell you about their first-hand experiences: “Martin is the “Einstein” of finance! His insight and knowledge of history is unsurpassed and put todays events in context with the history of mankind.” (Orlando 2021) “Your cycles have […]

Interview: There May Not Be a 2024 Election

Watch the video above or click here to see my latest interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog. I will be discussing all of this and more at the World Economic Conference this weekend (virtual tickets are still available). Commentary from Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says, “The cheating in the […]