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Separatist Movement in Spain

The formation of Spain dates back to the marriage of the Catholic Monarchs Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon (Catalan). They were both from the House of Trastámara and were second cousins, being both descended from John I of Castile. They married on October 19th, 1469 (1469.8), in the city […]

Gold – China – Here We Go Again

QUESTION:    Hi Martin, I was “of one mind” when it came to gold and silver and the shisters that clam “manipulation to the downside,” “gold is going to 5K,” and “gold has bottomed” and on an on. Your site is the only source of information that I trust anymore and thanks to you I […]

Business Cycle & Economists

COMMENT: You are correct. I went to the London …. and they said there was a business cycle but it was random and but it could not be defined. Cheers RB REPLY: Yes. Somehow, everything inverted after Keynes. Neither Marx nor Keynes denied the existence of a business cycle. Both sought to manipulate it, but […]

The Blood Moon & ECM

QUESTION: Martin, I couldn’t help but notice that the forth blood moon will occur on Sept 28 2015. This seems to coincide with your 2015.75 turning point. Any thoughts? ANSWER: Our model has not taken astrology or events such as the Blood Moon into account. They may be markers, which have been correlated to events, but I personally […]

Germany Goes Nuts: Coincidence, Luck, Influence or Something Else?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I realize you do not believe you are influential. However, you began your European tour on April 28th and ever since the bond markets have declined and you said buy gold coins in Stuttgart and Germans are frantically buying gold all of a sudden and the economy has not yet collapsed. This […]

What Would Happen if Everyone Followed Socrates?

QUESTION: Martin, I am a believer in your work and the effect of time and cycles complicit in everything. My question to you relates to Socrates. If everyone followed the calls made by Socrates, wouldn’t this result in crowded trades and thus exacerbate volatility? Appreciate all of your work, IGP ANSWER: We have just recently exceeded […]

There Comes a Time We Must Stand Up

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, On one of your blogs yesterday you wrote the most chilling comment I’ve ever read on your site, to the effect that you don’t want to live in the world that we’re going into (provided we get there, of course). It’s most chilling for a host of obvious reasons, as well as […]

The Shift in Public Confidence: 2015.75

There are many aspects that are lining up with the turn in the ECM (Economic Confidence Model) from the Blood Moon and the Jewish Year for forgiving the debts, to France imposing restrictions on cash in September, and even in Germany the laws that protected about half a million people so-called dachas there in East Germany […]

The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency

I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have questioned, “Why have they not killed you?” […]

The 19-Year Cycle

The 19-year cycle curiously suggested by Jefferson shows up as another layer within cycle theory. This was the basis for both the ancient Hebrew and Babylonian calendars. The concept of a “leap” year was rather simple to understand. The Julian calendar was a direct calendar to measure time by solar cycles. The Hebrew and Babylonian […]