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Can the Dow Exceed 18600?

  Can the Dow Exceed 18600 and still fall? Yes. We can see this is a technical target zone. In March on the Monthly level the Uptrend Channel stands at 18773.74. The weekly projection stands at about 18980.45 and on the Daily level the resistance is at about 18582.94. It is really a price zone […]

The Dow as we Approach 2015.75

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thanks for all the insights as always. Just one thing confusing me – as of October 2015, when the ECM turns down, what happens to the markets? On one blog you wrote a temporary setback in US markets, in another “It is about CONFIDENCE. As the ECM turns down, then you will see […]

The Dow Outlook

  The Dow made a new high today above last week. It is still in the sideways mode with the key resistance in the 18500-18600 level. Energy models are not at the highs so we are not in a major topping pattern. The Dow has been contained nicely by the Breakout Channel constructed from the […]

The Dow & the Upside

  The Dow closed above a minor Weekly Bullish today. We still see this general consolidation pattern in play. The first real resistance level remains at the 18500 zone. There is still the chance that we get an early high in March with a decline into the May/June period. That would point to a rally […]

Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong Talk from Capitol Hill – Politics & Economics

This is a discussion focusing on the prospects of the rise of a Third Party for 2016 and what to expect overall as we approach 2015.75 – Big Bang.

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates

  The Dow held our Weekly Bearish Reversal at 17722. We warned that “The main bank of support begins at the 16300 area. A weekly closing beneath 17722 will shift the market into a basing mode.” There appears to be in place a consolidation phase with the Dow churning back and forth until May. We […]

Can The Dow Correct for up to 5 Months?

  A weekly closing in the Dow Jones Industrials below 17722 will confirm that the January correction where we have had that Panic Cycle due in the middle of the month is in play. This will open the door to a retest of the 16300 area. Keep in mind that we did NOT achieve the […]

Dow Jones Industrial Index Going Into Year-End 2014

  The Dow continues to press higher despite the yelling and screaming this is a huge bubble. The oscillators even dispute that claim. Here is the Dow reconstructed back to 1790. We are just starting to poke through to the upside warning that high is not yet in place. Our year-end number for 2013 was […]

Coming Emerging Market Debt Meltdown

It seems the one primary area that people disagree with the view of the future is the rise in the dollar that is on the horizon. I have warned that in discussions behind the curtain, there will be a move to replace the dollar as the reserve currency. I have also stated that the only […]

Dow Jones today Dec 19th, 2007

  The Dow elected only the Daily Bearish on Monday not last Friday which was also a Weekly. Therefore, no Weekly Bearish has been elected leaving 17235 intact. Hence, a closing today above 17,758 today will be an indicator that higher highs are yet to be made. A closing above 17970 will signal a breakout […]