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May Elections in Europe may be a Joke – The Invasion of Euroskeptics May Have NO Power

The backlash against these Marxist Politicians that have dominated Europe will see the first sizable gains when citizens in the 28 European Union countries vote on May 22-25 for 751 members of the bloc’s legislature. The opinion polls currently suggest that they will for the first time elect a sizable group of politicians bent on […]

Joining the Euro to Hold Russia at Arms Length

World Politics The move behind the curtain is to accelerate the movement to join the Euro for the Eastern European nations such as Poland and Ukraine. This is seen as stepping toward  Europe and away from Russia to provide geopolitical security. Poland will have to change its constitution to adopt the euro but there is […]

European Banks cut 80,000 jobs

  Spain’s  Bankia headquarters in Madrid Europe’s top banks cut 80,000 more staff in post-crisis overhaul reported Reuters. The economic implosion in Europe from the destructive design of the Euro is just unbelievable. The politicians will not admit any mistake and still seek to just grab money from depositors to firm-up a mess they created.

European Civil Unrest on the Rise – Rome & Paris this Weekend

Putin just has to sit back and watch for with two months before the European elections, the season for protests has begun. Literally, tens of thousands in Paris and Rome have taken to the streets demonstrating against the austerity policies of their governments that line their pockets and the bankers. Masked demonstrators fought before the Ministry of Economic Affairs […]

Russia’s Goal to Resurrect its Empire by 2020 & Rain of the Parade of a United Europe

Putin has bluntly stated that the fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century and he was to see it resurrected (minus communism) by 2020. Russia clearly has its eyes set on bigger goals than just Ukraine. It is using the issue of ethnic Russians need their protection in places […]

Inflation is not Always Caused by Change in Money Supply – Deflation is Engulfing Europe

COMMENT: Marty; I have to say this was the best conference you have done since 2011. It was the most organized and the live demo of talking to the website was unbelievable. The film clip you showed on cycles was amazing illustrating the hidden order within the nature of all things. However, I do not […]

Russia Threatens Estonia – 17th Member of Eurozone

Russia is in the same position as Hitler was when he began to invade countries claiming he was defending the German populations there. Nobody did anything and that gave Hitler a green light. The same pattern in emerging with Russia. There is really nobody there able to stop them. Russia has now threatened Estonia, the […]

Eastern Europe Moves for Energy from US

While Europe proper continues to live in a dream world and France continues to raise every tax it can driving its own people into the dust, Eastern Europe understands the real threat on their border. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland have all petitioned Congress to buy energy from the USA to circumvent Russia.

Nigel Farage – Europe is Crumbling Nigel Farage is a voice we need in the USA to shake things up. This piece he bluntly states that The European Dream is Crumbling. He is absolutely correct. There is nothing these politicians can do that will save the day at this point. Europe is in such critical condition, it will surely not […]

Europeans Enter Final Stage on How to Pay for the European Failed Banking System

There are talks going on in Europe on how to deal with the massive banking failure in Europe. Of course, nobody want to admit that the cause of this failure was not risky banking – but BRAIN-DEAD political design of the Euro. Because there was no consolidation of the national debts, there was no single […]