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Post Offices Going – Economic Evolution Changes Everything from Gold to Newspapers

Britain is privatizing the Royal Mail because the internet has reduced the use of mail for letters. The workers are striking as always trying to freeze the economy in one place. Packages are still required, but things are changing drastically. The bulk of mail these days in the USA is junk mail. The Post Office […]

Gold – Market Update

QUESTION: Lately, the goldbugs have been complaining about large sales driving the price of gold down.  Can you comment about the validity of their arguments? Thank you. Sincerely, -RM ANSWER: Gold was on schedule to decline. Even the oscillators are still negative. The fundamentals are gathered from time to time and selected to fit the […]

Gold Promoters Discover the World?

QUESTION: It seems some of the very people who use to interview you now suddenly pretend to be world analysts covering all markets. Everyone tries to mimic you yet ignore you. If people like this will not comprehend what you are doing, are they merely making the future much worse with their cheap imitation of […]

Capitulation by the Gold Bulls?

QUESTION: Why is it that the gold press now refuse to ever interview you? It really seems to show that what they say is totally untrustworthy when they refuse to interview anyone who disagrees with them. You are the only analyst who said gold would drop to $1,000 when it was at least $1,800. They […]

Fed Employee Sues for Dismissal After Auditing Goldman Sachs

Carmen Segarra, a former senior bank examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the Fed alleging she was fired after refusing to alter a critical examination of Goldman Sachs. She states that during a 7 month examination of Goldman’s legal and compliance divisions, she discovered that the bank […]

India – Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg

Almost two years ago Warren Buffett called India the “dream market” and now the economic growth collapsed to a snail’s pace and the nation’s debt ratings are at risk of being cut to junk. Consequently, India has been obsessed with their current account deficit failing to grasp the idea that capital investment inflows result in outflows of […]

Gold Paper v Physical

COMMENT: “If the price of gold goes below $800, it will only be the comex paper price. At that price the demand for physical gold from Asia will be literally unlimited.” BM REPLY: The price of gold on COMEX is real no matter what people say for the physical price will still trade at that […]

Gold – The Problem We Face

Gold has tumbled sharply and the bearish decline still appears to be moving in full pace. The nonsense put out about gold as a hedge against inflation and the coming hyperinflation trapped a lot of people in the yellow metal. However, I have been warning that we face deflation not inflation and with the $2 […]

Gold Lending Could Stop in London

Many of the Goldbugs will be happy to hear that the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) says it might start charging member banks more or even dissolving the Gold Forward Offered Rates (GOFO) – the rate at which dealers will lend gold against US dollars – due to new financial market regulations. The push for regulation stems […]

Gold & Monetary Expansion

The gold price has continued to drift lower as the no-taper rally of a week ago quickly fading into a distant memory. Whether the US Federal Reserve continues its economic stimulus program unchanged adding $85 billion a month, is really irrelevant. The Fed’s balance sheet will only hit the $4 trillion mark by the end of the […]