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Clinton Foundation Targeted by FBI – About Time!

What goes around, comes around. The Democrats intend to turn-up the heat on the Impeachment of Trump. That is all they have to run on in the midterm elections in November. They voted against any tax reform and simply oppose anything offered by the other side. Politics has just degenerated into the obstruction and neither […]

Trump Impeachment – The Democratic Agenda for 2018

Now with the Trump Tax Reform set to really create jobs with the small business benefiting for the first time in more than 30 years (the Democrats call the “rich”), the Democrats have absolutely nothing to offer. Their agenda is simply to oppose whatever the Republicans put forth. They even lack any real leader at […]

Are the EU’s Days Numbered?

My recent meetings in Brussels reveals some concern what happens when Merkel loses power? Schultz is calling for the complete federalization of Europe – the United States of Europe as he puts it. The power is starting to slip between their fingers and as Italy approaches its confrontation with the EU in the next elections, there too we see […]

CNN Desperate to Overthrow the US Government

  CNN, who claims to be Most Trusted Name in News™, has demonstrated that they are by no means to be trusted nor are they ever impartial. They are never reporting the news, they try so desperately to make the news. CNN, along with MSNBC and CBS, have shown the entire world that the American Mainstream Media is […]

Pending Tax Reform

Congressional Republicans finally reached a deal on the tax cuts, the biggest reform in 30 years. This sets the stage for a vote next week. The U.S. corporate tax rate was changed upward moving to 21%. The top[ tax rate will be reduced marginally from 39.6% to 37%. The corporate alternative minimum tax will probably be repealed. The […]

The Trump Tax Cut, the Pass-Through, & Multinationals

The Trump Tax Reform is a very major deal. There are seven brackets in today’s individual tax code. The Senate version of the Trump Reform is not a windfall for the rich lowering their bracket from 39.6% to just 38.5%. The seven tax brackets currently are: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%.  Changes […]

Corruption is Pervasive & Standard Operating Procedure

COMMENT: I read your post on Trump, Jr. and it does appear obvious that there is no investigation into the whole Maginsky Act and why are Trump Jr.’s lawyers not exposing this more? It seems that corruption only really exists when it always involves government. KA ANSWER: Corruption is a huge problem in all governments […]

Marines that Never Invaded the CIA

QUESTION: I really wonder why these people who read all these conspiracy theories seem to hate you. I think it is because they want them to be true so much, they are blind to everything else.  Any comment on the thousands of sealed indictments? You are the only person worth reading on all these claims. […]

Conspiracy Theory of Marines Invading CIA

So far, there is no confirmation of Marines landing at Langley and storming the CIA to prevent some sort of coup. That conspiracy seems to be way over the top. MEU is the Presidents 911 force. Marines are the “President’s Own.” A MEU would be accurate if used by Trump. However, I have not seen any […]

Report of Marines Invading CIA Headquarters

There are reports now circulating that a special forces group of 2200 marines have landed and invaded the CIA Headquarters. They supposedly have landed in the classic tilt-rotary helicopters. I have been working on this to actually confirm the veracity of this claim but not a single photo has even surfaced. The spin is they […]